Chapter: 7 Bloody Twilight

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"As expected from the prodigy of the Uchiha clan" Madara replied his Sharingan in full display. 

The mere presence made the two uneasy as they both sense his immense chakra flowing. The two stood their ground feeling the mass killer intent rushing towards them.

"Who is this man? I never felt such evil before" thought Izumi in fear.

"Who are you, I can tell you are not an ordinary shinobi." After a close look at the mask, it came to him. "You're the culprit responsible for the Kyubi attack! I won't forgive you for the suffering you caused to our village!" said Itachi furious activating his Sharingan.

"Preceptive as always Itachi you are definitely a worthy opponent shall we dance" Madara shifted into stance.

"How do you know his name you bastard!" yelled Izumi furious.

"I know everyone names within our clan. I know that your father is the clan head of Uchiha Clan: Fugaku and that you have two younger brothers returning home well one to accurate." Said Madara making Itachi grit his teeth in anger already knowing what he is talking about.

"What do you mean? What's going on Itachi-kun?" Izumi said confused now.

"Allow me explain Izumi, you see that boy Naruto is not Fugaku's child he is in fact the son of the previous Hokage the one I fought years ago the one you fools worship, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki"

"W-What it can't be! I know Naru-chan is your little brother. I-I thought Yondamie-sama's baby died from the attack." She said in pure disbelief before turning to Itachi "Is he telling the truth Itachi-kun please tell me he's lying t-that y-you're N-Naruto's b-b-rother" Izumi began to shake. 

Itachi couldn't find an answer he was told by father to keep it a secret, even he couldn't believe at first. "I-I'm sorry Izumi-chan this was something I couldn't tell anyone it was supposed to be an S class secret to protect him. My father made is clear to not tell anyone.  Only my family, Sandaime-sama, and the council elders know about this."

"But that's not all the boy is also holds the great Kyuubi inside of him that I used to attack your precious village. He holds great potential even greater than you Itachi"

"So that's why everyone gives Naru those awful glares when we pass by, I thought they were being mean. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS ITACHI! WE COULD'VE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT! No wonder why the villagers always look at him with disgust!" Izumi shouted furious that she kept in the dark.

"It's true Izumi-chan Naruto is Yondaime-sama's son, they sealed the beast in him to protect the village from further destruction. We were planning to tell him when he grows up. Right now, Naruto is far too young to know the burden that was placed upon him. He deserves to have normal childhood as much as possible. If word got out the council will try to go after him and make him into a weapon by Danzo's Root Division" Itachi seethed at the mention of Danzo somebody he absolutely depside at how shady he acted during covert missions and his aggressive stance about domination for true peace. 

"You cannot shelter the boy forever he will find out the truth eventually and he will embrace that hatred the village holds against him and that is when he'll come to me. I have huge plans for my little grandnephew" said Madara with a malicious laugh.

"W-What you're not making any sense You're supposed to be dead and Izuna never had a son as far as I know! I refuse to believe that you're Madara!" Izumi clutches her fist.

"Well, it seems my brother has done a great job keeping his son a secret no matter as long as my brother's legacy is still around my plan will still come in motion."

Uchiha Brothers: A Naruto Uchiha Story Book 1: Beginnings Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang