Chapter 19: A Wild Confrontation

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The village celebrated Obito's coronation for an entire week. While he got accustomed to the new role, other villages have taken the news with various reactions.

"Konoha finally has a new Hokage! And to think Obito-san is the new heir. They're so lucky to have a handsome man as their Hokage!" Mizukage Terumi giggled like an excited fangirl.

"Terumi-san he's a married man. A lady like you shouldn't make such tasteless remarks." Ao scolded her.

"Can't I have at least one day without you treating like a child! I can take care of myself. I am called "Lava Sorceress" for a reason, and I have met Obito-san on a few occasions. I'm so jealous for Rin-chan!" Terumi-san whined dramatically.

"Is she always like this?" Icchou sweat dropped.

"Unfortunately yes Samshimi-kun. She has yet to meet a suitable partner. I do hope she starts acting like a proper Mizukage in front of everyone. I can't imagine embarrassment Konoha will see." Ao sighed.

"Don't think I didn't hear you Ao-san! I'm not at the age to be worried about marriage. Until I find the right man, I refuse to take any offers from suitors you picked out!" Terumi said glaring dangerously at Ao.

"She's even more fearsome than Yagura." Icchou muttered.

"We have received message from the Hokage himself that the Chunin Exams are underway." Mangestu stated.

"Did he now? Tell the messengers we're on our way then." Terumi replied with an amused grin.

"As you wish milady." Mangestu said taking off.

"It's about damn time we get some action in this backwater village. I was getting bored this past month." The masked killer said in his usual raspy voice.

"I'll never understand for the life of me Zabuza. Do you ever think about anything besides combat?" Ao shook his head.

"That's the life of a warrior Ao-san! We shinobi live for battle. You're just like the other elders in this village, too focused on planning shit that hasn't happened! Shinobis don't think, they fight!" Zabuza placed his blade down.

"You're in the Hokage's presence Zabuza! Leave the weapons out of palace!" Ao demanded.

"You're still as a wuss as ever Ao. Maybe I should cut you to ribbons." Zabuza pointed his sword at him.

"That's enough blowing hot air you two! You two shouldn't let petty insults get to the both of you. I'm a lower rank than the both of you and yet I act calmer than you." Icchou blocked both of their strikes with swiftness.

"You're a fast one Tigershark." Harribel commended.

"I'm no longer in the Anbu forces Harribel-san. I'm simply Icchou." The shark teethed ninja clarified.

"I should get going soon. My own brother will probably start wondering off if I don't check on him." Mangestu said leaving.

"Let us prepare milady we have quite a journey to walk." Icchou suggested.

"I like your attitude Icchou-san. I wonder if the blind swordman would join us?" As if on cue the swordman reappeared with a smug grin.

"Missed me milady?"

"Being stuck here on a desk all day! I missed the old company. At least it was fun when you were here." Mei pouted.

"As much I enjoy your presence, I have duties to carry out. You know the threats won't stop until it's dealt with." He said unwrapping one of his bandages to reveal a pupilless eye similar to a Hyuga.

"I see the surgery had done well. How well is your vision?" Asked Ao.

"It doesn't hurt as much from when I first had it. Took a while to control my own charka. Felt like I was seeing another dimension." He chuckled.

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