Chapter 5: New Friends and Rivals

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One year later

Within a year of being in the ninja academy, the Uchiha brothers distinguish themselves as being the top rookies in the entire class. Because of their talents they both were given the nickname "Sharingan Brothers" for their talents. Because of their talents they began to amass an army of fangirls who went head over heels over everything they did. Sasuke simply ignored their attention not bothering to even acknowledge their presence, while Naruto was more talkative sometimes cracking jokes in class.

Naruto became something a prankster to people he didn't like whether painting the school or installing a whoopie cushion. The teachers learned to despise every one of his pranks, especially Iruka who was their frequent target leading to many long talks with his parents about his less than desirable behavior as son of the prestigious clan. Even Sasuke got into it a few times, though never directly involved in pranks he sometimes became a decoy for the teachers so Naruto could steal some supplies. Naruto didn't care about school it was still boring and he needed to kill time, besides everything being taught was just theories and shinobi history. He wanted to learn cool jutsus.

The boys made several friends at school. Shikamaru was the first friend as the they shared the same opinion of how boring school is. Soon they met Choji through Shikamaru. His lovable and kindhearted personality was contagious to say the least. The only person they didn't like was the loudmouth Kiba. He always tried to challenge them in everything they do but it would always backfire on him. His cocky attitude was annoying often leading to fights mostly ending with Kiba beaten.

Iruka explained what the students will be doing for today "Hello students today is the evaluation exam. Today we are going to evaluate your abilities in a graded exam. The first part will be shuriken throwing followed by a taijutsu spar. Do your best students and the important thing is that you try your best so let's commence!"

"This should be good!" replied Naruto cracking his fists.

"I hope we fight each other Naruto" Sasuke replied stretching his arms and legs.

"What a drag I hope I don't end up going against the two of you or I'll be screwed" Shikamaru sulked.

His chubby friend cheered him up "C'mon Shikamaru it's not that bad!"

"They're the best in the whole class it'll take one blow from them before I lose the fight. Does it really have to be today" Shikamaru yawned.

"FIGHTING ANYONE IS ALWAYS TROUBLESOME FOR YOU!" the platinum haired girl yelled into Shikamaru's ear.

"I'm rooting for you two" Sakura shyly cheered as her cheeks turned a tint red. Naruto simply smiled. "Thanks Sakura" Sasuke grew irritated at the girls "Let's go Naruto we're wasting time here.

"H-He noticed me! H-He a-actually noticed me" Sakura held her cheeks happy one of the Uchihas talked to her. While the pinkette gushed at the attention, the other fangirls began to glare at her in jealously even her best friend Ino gave her jealous looks.

"How come forehead gets the attention"

"The shuriken throwing exercise, is to determine hand to eye coordination and accuracy. There will be ten targets and you must hit at least five targets to pass. When I call your name, you will walk by and grab the shuriken and hit the target. You will be graded on accuracy. Until your name is called stay seated" Iruka instructed as one by one the students were called all of them tried their best. Some passed and some failed, but not one of them hit a perfect target. After the round of students are called, it was now Naruto and Sasuke's turn.

"Naruto and Sasuke" Iruka called out. The Uchiha brothers proceed to walk up front.

"Ok since you have the same last names Naruto, you go first, now come and grab your shuriken" Iruka gestered to the box of shuriken.

Uchiha Brothers: A Naruto Uchiha Story Book 1: Beginnings Where stories live. Discover now