Chapter 64

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I walked over to the dining room area and motioned them to follow me in. I quickly cleaned off the table and sat down in the chair at the end of the table. Alessia was close behind me, choosing to stand to my side at the right, while the others came to sit down. At the moment, there was only Gunther and Redrick, while the other two were elsewhere. Not that I was too concerned about it.

I placed the paper I had the contract written on the table and slid it over. "Here is the contract that we previously discussed. Within it is are all the conditions that we talked about. I've slightly amended the contract, to include the fact that adventurers are allowed in. The only thing expressly forbidden is the intent to destroy my realm. Read it and let me know if there is anything that you would like to be changed."

Redrick took the paper and looked it over, and Gunther's gaze traveled over to me. His jaw was clenched as he looked me over. "What is it you really want?" His voice was coarse and gravelly like he smoked a lot. It wasn't really a trait that I noticed when I listened in on their conversations, but that was because I didn't really understand them at first.

"I want to be left well enough alone and to be able to focus only on this realm. I have no desire to take over the outside world if that is what you are worried about." As I replied, I crossed my arms and settled into my seat. I was heavily thankful for the translation ability I created with my essence points. Otherwise, I would sit here none the wiser. I would have to see if I could imbue this contract with magic after they left, so at least it could be ready by whoever looked at it.

"Don't you need the bodies of the living to replenish your undead? What about the adventurers that come here and die? What happens to them?" He sat forward and interlaced his fingers, talking with a slow and measured cadence. It felt like a storm was brewing, but he was keeping it contained. I would be terrified if it wasn't for Alessia standing behind me. It reminded me too much of my father.

"I do not need anyone's bodies to create more. As for them, well, it was their choice to come here, and if they died, it was their fault. Though if it appeases you, I will grant them mercy and allow them to rest instead of becoming undead." As bad as it sounded, it was the only way. People would die if they came here. I understood that now, and if I kept rejecting that fact, It would drive me mad.

"I see. But tell me, what is your purpose. Why do you let the undead roam around if your version of mercy is granting them rest?" His grey eyes locked onto me, and his words gnawed at thoughts I have long since locked away.

But it made me think, why don't I let them rest? What is my purpose here? Perhaps I should be honest, but I feel like honesty here would only bite me in the ass later, so how about I mix in some honesty with some lies? I thought it over for a moment before I came up with my reply. "The undead here are restless because they wish to serve me. When they finally pass, we grant them freedom. Everything they do is by choice and nothing more." I felt a small wave of relief wash over me as I said that. It felt so freeing to voice what I've always thought since it felt so wrong. But now, I have realized just how true those words are to everyone around me.

"What about your purpose? What drives you here, Empress?"

His words hung in my head as I thought it over. What does drive me? Is it the desire to go home? Or is it something far more profound than that? To be honest with myself, I was afraid of failure. I didn't want to let anyone down. The shame of that thought alone haunted me, more so now than ever before. Everyone in this domain looks up to me, and I can't stand the thought of being a failure in their eyes. I've been called a failure so many times. I can still hear it in the back of my mind, each word coated with disdain. The reality is, the desire to prove myself is my purpose here. Getting home would just be the consequence. But how could I phrase that in a way that it wouldn't make me sound weak?

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