Chapter 2

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I really wish I had my phone right now. A flashlight light would have been lovely right about now. I glanced behind me cautiously and then back into the corridor. An itching feeling told me that entering here would be dangerous, but the only way for me to take was forward since the portal behind me vanished. I swallowed the saliva that was building up in my mouth and pressed on. The air was heavy and stale, with just a touch of humidity. The further I went, the more darkness started to consume my vision. I felt stones shift under my shoe with each step I took. I reached out and pressed one of my hands against the stone wall. Each step I took was slow and ponderous. Considering the state of the place, I wouldn't be shocked if there was something for me to trip on. So far, the path felt empty for the most part. I kept walking for an undetermined amount of time before the wall start to curve. I wasn't too scared of anything coming after me. Honestly, the worst part was just the silence that engulfed me. There was nothing but the sound of my breath and the thudding of my heart to keep me company.

Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to have walked through a mysterious portal in the middle of the night, but it was too late for me to go back now. I quietly crept forward until I felt the wall come to an end. I reached out and ran my fingers across the area. I could feel the dry grain of the wood and then the cold bite of rusted metal. I slid my hand down and felt another metal ring under my fingertips, and I gave it a hard pull. The door shrieked on its hinges as it swung out. Behind it was a room that was dimly lit. In the center was an orb that rotated on a circular stone platform. Its surface was inky grey with spots of black mixed in that lagged behind the orbs' movements. I glanced around the room and saw nothing else. I stepped forward and observed it for a few minutes. I wonder what it was. The motions it made were enthralling. In fact, they were entirely hypnotic to behold, and before I knew it, I was utterly mesmerized. I reached out to touch its surface. It parted around my fingers as water would, and heat rushed to my fingertips.

The conversion has been initiated. The divine spark is starting the assimilation process.

Words began to crawl across my vision, and a wave of panic washed over me as the orb sped up and began to consume my arm. I tried to yank my arm away, but it was glued to the surface. Out of desperation, I placed my feet on the altar and tried to use my entire body to pull away. Pain never once visited me while I struggled to free my arm. Just a loving warmth that slowly spread through my body. Peace and serenity began to well in my chest as the orb moved up my arm and began to devour my shoulder. My mind grew murky, and my body began to go limp. I tried to struggle once more, but I lost the energy to do so. Instead, I pulled inward and tried to fight my encroaching doom mentally. At first, I felt like I was bound and struggling against chains, but the more I fought, the more I felt my restraints began to weaken. Slowly my vision greyed out, and I lost all control of my body, just as I pushed through the last chain holding me back.

Analyzing specimen... Analyzing specimen...

Race designation: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 22

User designation: Calixa Wright

The first phase of conversion has been completed. The current primary race will be maintained. In addition, the sub-race of Dungeon Core has been introduced.. Implementing race change... Implementing race change... an error has occurred...

Rescanning scanning specimen and divine spark... A new subrace has been introduced. You now have the subrace of Domain god.

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