Chapter 17

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"You would be correct," Came a pretty lively response from a pile of walking bones.

I sank into my chair with a sigh and cleaned up the skeletal battleground.

You have gained a new item template:

Human Bone Dust Lesser Quality

I'm going to go off on a limb and assume that I use these specific items for treasure chests and loot drops; eventually, I will have to set it up. But first things first. I need to work on getting my class in order and start working on the domain redesign. I stood up and motioned for my bosses to follow me. "Kharon, can they teleport as well?" I asked as I adjusted my shirt since it was bundling up. Really, I have to create new ones at some point.

"No. However, you can teleport them to an area if you need them there." I glanced at my map and looked it over. Ah, yes, there it was. I should probably read before I ask another stupid question. I selected the two bosses and told them to wait for us and then teleported them out. With that out of the way, I placed my hand on Alessia's shoulder and teleported. Perhaps I was just a little biased towards her, just a smidge.

Once we arrived, I had everyone gather around the ruined fountain. I pulled myself onto the ruined wall so I could see everyone. "Alright, so, Rikard. Your job at the moment is to make sure the zombies stay in line. I will need you to lead them once construction starts. In the meantime, I will teleport you to the mines. Make sure the mobs there wrap up their work while we pull in the last of the materials." He let out a grunt of acknowledgment, and I teleported him away. I'm sure that Kharon appreciated that. I sure would; if I had to deal with those zombies and skeletons, I probably would want to off myself. At least the Ghosts are easier to work with.

"Aaron, your job will be to help the skeletons and zombies finish gathering the last bits of logs. Once that is done, I want you to gather them all and pull every single thing of use out of the outpost. We will remodel the entire area soon, and I want to make sure that we are using everything that we can. I want everything stacked as neat as possible by this fountain." I emphasized the word neat and then summoned a team of ten more skeletons for him to assist with completing the project. It was okay to be a little more liberal with this since I got some essence as a reward earlier. Aaron chittered out a response and quickly led the group of freshly gathered skeletons over to the working camp.

I cast a glance at Alessia as I tried to figure out her role in things. I didn't want her to leave, but I had to get everything ready. "Alessia, gather all the ghosts in the domain and try to evolve them to the best of your ability. "She nodded and vanished without a trace. Leaving just Kharon and myself.

"I enjoy the fact that you issue orders with no hesitation." He said as we watched the skeletons help the zombies carry the last bit of logs into the pile.

"It comes with the territory, I suppose. I used to work in a kitchen, so if I wanted stuff done, it had to be fast and clear. Besides, if everything goes as planned, I might get to go back home one day." I shrugged and crossed my arms as I watched them. I wasn't sure how building the outpost out would work, but I would do my best.

"It's a wonderful trait to have. Anyway, would you like to start your training?" I nodded my head. I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't eager. He made a quick motion with his head as we walked through the courtyard, He gestured to an empty spot on the ground, and I sat down. He followed shortly after and crossed his boney legs.

"Now, this class you chose will not be an easy one. I hope you are aware of that." I slung my sports bag from across my back and laid it across my lap, and rummaged through it for my notebook and pen. Maybe I should consume my spare and a pen, so that way I would forever have them.

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