Twenty | my heart is lost

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I push my sunglasses down a bit and I look at him annoyingly. "What do you want, Edward?" Luke asks him. I giggle.

Yes, I giggled. I giggled at Luke's joke. I have done it before, but this time it is different.

It is so fucking funny when Luke calls him Edward instead of Ethan. Before I would correct Luke, but things change. "What are you doing?" Stupid fucking Edward asks.

I have a list of comebacks for that question.

1. Your mom.

My list contains only one comeback, but it pretty much works all the time. Take it from the expert.

I never realised how different Ethan and Luke are. Luke definitely has the better looks. "I mean why are you here?" He asks me.

"I am here because it is my boyfriend's birthday, dumme skide tæve." (dumb fucking bitch.) I had to say the last part. Even if it was in Danish.

He just nods and walks out the door. He didn't even wish Luke a happy birthday. What an asshole. The door opens again and Ethan shows up again. "By the way. You two look really stupid with those fucking things on your face."

"Hvad fanden er dit problem?" (What the fuck is your problem?) I say getting off the couch and throwing my sunglasses at the couch. I feel Luke's presence behind me. "Hold me back, Luke." I say and he doesn't. "I said hold me back, Luke."

"I am waiting for you to move." He says looking down at me. I look at him sternly and he sighs, grabbing onto my shirt lightly.

Is that supposed to stop me? Even a baby can break out of his grip.

Ethan sighs and shutting the door behind him. "See now we lost him." I tell Luke to make him let go of my shirt. He sits back down onto the couch. Bitch can't even hold me back.

I walk over to the kitchen grabbing the gift I got Luke and hide it behind my back.

I would have gotten him something better if I knew it was his birthday. Maybe something music related.

If Ethan didn't walk away I would have beat his ass. I would have had him down in a matter of seconds. I am positive about that. "If you are not going to beat him up, can I?" Luke asks me. I turn around to look at him. Aww, he is so pretty. It warms my heart.

I take off our sheet masks. I pick up my sunglasses, sitting beside Luke and putting the glasses back on. "Here. Happy birthday Luke." I hand him a tiny pilea plant and a bouquet of orange roses.

Orange roses mean you are happy with what you have and you feel so lucky for example in a relationship you really are thankful for what you get.

I saw the orange roses at Target and immediately thought of Luke. But I don't know why I chose the tiny pilea plant. It felt necessary.

Plus Luke and Ethan have no plants in here. Every time I would buy Ethan a plant it would just die in less than a week. Luke used to bring plants in too, but those plants also died. Hopefully this one survives.

"I am sorry I couldn't get you something else-" He hugs me. I just sit there in shock. His chin rests on my shoulder and the gifts do not leave his hands.

I slowly wrap my arms around him to hug him back and I hear a soft "Thank you," escape from him.

We just sit like that for a bit. No talking, just hugging. He pulls away eventually and stands up. I asked where he was going, but he didn't answer.

He comes back, but with nothing in hand. "Where is your plant?"

Did he already kill the plant? Poor plant. What a hard plant life. The plant just came into the world and was already killed by Luke.

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