Start from the beginning

"Who's Ben?" I asked. Confused.

"Ben is my husband. He's the driver."

"Ah..yeah.. Ben" now I remembered. "The one who picked me up...uhm...airport?" I added.

"Yes. That's him." She nodded. I chuckled. "You're a nice couple." I said.

"Thank you dear. And if you need help just call me downstairs." She smiled.

"No. I can handle this. But thank you." I insisted.

She opened the door and closed it.

I grabbed the plat of pancakes while sitting on the side of my bed. I shove a fork of pancake into my mouth. It tasted so good and the chocolate drink is a heaven.

I sighed. Realizing that going to study here really needs a lot of adjustments. Especially, I came from a different country having different cultures and traditions. It sounds hard but what are my choices, right? None.

I came here to start all over again so this is one of the consequences. There's no turning back. And I am not named 'STACEY DAVIS' for nothing.

Let go of the doubts and feel free to explore.

Tomorrow is a new chapter of my life book. Another day to meet new friends and to start a new life. I hope this would turn out right.


At exactly 8:30 am, Ben picked me up and drove me to the nearby College school. It is almost 5 kilometer away from the house.

We arrived at Bradford University. It is huge. Building here, building there, building everywhere. I'm sure it has a massive population of students. Obviously?

I told Ben that I'll just text him if I'm going home. it is not easy to be enrolled in a university. You need to be evaluated and undergo to some tests.

From 10:30 - 11:30 am, I took the entrance examination. After, they interviewed me. I had a pretty busy day in this school. It's quite tiring but it pays all the effort.

At 3:00 pm, the school tour guide, tour us to the school's rooms and facilities. It took us two hours to tour the whole school.

What a exhausting day for a rookie like me eh.

I should have heading home by this time. It's almost 5:30pm. I don't want to be lost or anything.

I went to the school gate, waiting for Ben to pick me up. Suddenly, 2 boys walked over me and they look suspicious.

I froze and wanted to shout out but my tongue was stuck. It can't utter a word. There's no way I can be helped by someone. The gate was closed and there's no people walking around here. I'm so dead.

"Hi beautiful." The guy on blue shirt greeted me.

"Want to go somewhere love?" the other guy asked me.

I eyed them, watching their every move, not wanting them to do something horrible to me. I held my bag so tightly close to my chest, praying for Ben to come around.

"She's not going somewhere with you lads." The guy wearing a black and white stripes shirt and a red pants said coming from the dark.

"C'mon lad, we just want to be friends with her." The guy on blue said.

"She's not Facebook to add more friends." The guy on stripes sassed. I smiled a bit. "Leave the girl alone man." He added with anger in his voice.

"If we don't?" the other guy said with dare.

"Then you'll regret you didn't." the guy on stripes taunted.

"Missy, you're lucky. You have you're superhero here." Then the boys ran away.

"yeah. Run for your lives." The guy on stripes yelled.

"How could I ever thank you, Mr...?" I leaned closer wanting to know his name.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson." He introduced.

"Nice meeting you Louis. I'm Stacey Davis." We shook hands. "Thank you for saving me from those assholes. Thank you very much." I smiled.

"It's nothing, that's my duty. Because SUPERMAN is here." He yelled the last three words with a smirked on his face. I laughed.

"Oh, I have to go. Ben is here. Nice meeting you again and thank you." I waved to him before getting inside the car. What a day. Full of action. "Take care." I called out as the car moved.

Tomorrow, I'll go back to school for the entrance examination result. Wish me luck. Fingerscrossed.

STYLES in Disguise *slow editing*Where stories live. Discover now