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Didn't proofread sorry for any mistakes Kierra POV

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Didn't proofread sorry for any mistakes
Kierra POV

"i have a daughter and she's on the way here with her mom" Bey said to me but i was still stuck it's not like i never asked her cause i did.


"Okay so how about we play a game" i asked bey since was sitting in the house doing nothing.

"Okay what kind of game" she asked smirking.

"Truth or drink, we ask eachother questions and if we don't wanna say the answer to the question we gotta take a shot" i explained to her and she nodded her head "okay" she said still smirking making me smile at her a little.

i went in the kitchen and got two shot glasses and some hennessy and walked back in the living room "oh you taking it straight to the head huh" she asked me smiling.

"No i got some juice right here" i said holding up my juice in a cup "you boring but come on" she said making me laugh.

"Alright i'll give first ummm how many bodies do you have" i asked her and she poured a shot and took it making my eyes go wide "bey come on how many" i asked her.

I really wanted to know "i don't know it's alot i can't count them on my fingers" she said and my mouth popped open "your a hoe" i said laughing and she mean mugged me.

"shut up and my turn ummm have you ever dated a guy" she asked and i nodded my head, i had my fair shares with boys but i wouldn't go back to them.

"Oh did y'all ever do anything" she asked me and i looked at her "i'm not answering that you already asked your question" she said and i nodded.

"did you ever have a girlfriend before me" i asked her "yea we dated for like 3 years then she left and we called it quits" she said a little sadly.

"Okay um do you have kids" she asked me and i straight faced her she know damn well i don't have no kids and i won't be having none no time soon.

"girl no" i said laughing "do you have any kids" i asked her it took her a minute to answer "why you taking so long to answer" i asked her.

"cause i had to see but no i don't have nun" she said and i nodded my head that was a lil weird but i wasn't gonna bring it back up.

Flashback over

"babe say something tell me what's going on your head" she said standing in front of me mean while i had tears stinging the back of my eyes.

"Y-you lied to me" i said to her as my voice cracked.

"I didn't lie to you" she said to me and i shook my head "yes the fuck you did i-i asked you did you have a child and you said no beyoncé you lied to me" i said backing away from her.

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