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3 weeks later

Beyoncé POV

Right now i was in school sitting in class and i seen Ki wasn't here which made me a little sad so i pulled out my phone and texted her.

Ki-mamas👅😮‍💨❤️: Where you at?

Beybear🧸❤️😈: I'm at home why?👀

Ki-mamas👅😮‍💨❤️: i'm at school and i don't see you i wanted to know where you was.

Beybear🧸❤️😈: well i'm at home i'll see you after?

Ki-mamas👅😮‍💨❤️: yea....after😒

Beybear🧸❤️😈: what's wrong Bey

Ki-mamas👅😮‍💨❤️: you know i don't like coming to school and you gone not come i only come to school when you here and you ain't come so imma just leave.

Beybear🧸❤️😈: Okay well come over 😏

I smirked at the message and grabbed my stuff and walked out the classroom not giving a fuck what the teacher has to say i ran out the classroom but stopped when i seen Normani and Kelly "hey bey" they said to me "Hey yall what y'all doing" i asked them "morning about to go to class where you going" Mani asked me "i'm going to Ki's house" i said to them and Kelly smiled "i wanna go" she said to me and i shook my head "No" was all i said then walked away heading outside getting in my car.

I sped to Ki's house and knocked on the door she opened it with a big smile on her face making me smile i walked in and gave her a hug and a kiss, she grabbed my hand taking me upstairs to her room i took my shoes and jacket off and got in the bed with her.

"I missed you ma" i said looking at her smiling "i missed you too baby" she said pecking my lips "why you ain't come to school today ion like that" i said to her and she sat up

"Well i'm pregnant" she said and i sat up too quickly "By who" i asked her getting off the bed "um some dude i don't know" she said like it wasn't a problem "So you cheated on me" i asked her feeling my anger come "i didn't mean for it to hap-" she started to say but i cut her off "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT MEAN FOR IT TO HAPPEN THE NIGGA DIDNT JUST NUT IN YOU WITHOUT PERMISSION YOU LET HIM DO THAT AS MANY TIMES AS IVE BEEN LOYAL YOU GONE GO CHEAT FUCK THAT" i yelled getting my stuff "wait babe i was playing im not pregnant don't leave" she said looking at me with pleading eyes "what the fuck you mean you was playing" i asked her confused still mad.

"it's a prank i had my camera set up i was playing" she said smiling i just looked at her "okay calm down baby i'm sorry i didn't know you was gone get this mad i ain't know this how it was gone go" she said grabbing the camera turning it off then walked over to me standing i front of me looking me in my eyes "i was playing babe you scared me" she said looking at me than looking down.

"i just need to cool off ill be back" i said grabbing my stuff walking out her room and stepped outside i let out a long sigh i haven't took any of my pills today so i have to be careful of how i act i get mad very quickly and easily.

I stood outside for a few more minutes than went back inside and walked back upstairs to Ki room and seen her laying on the bed on her phone i put my stuff down and took my shoes off climbing in bed with her, i wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me i stuffed my face in her neck and kissed it.

I pulled her closer to me kissing and sucking on her neck earning a moan from her and it was sexy!!!! and letting me know i found her spot i kept sucking on it leave a love mark, i flipped us over so now i was on top of her i moved my lips from her neck to her lips i smashed my lips into hers she moaned in my mouth i slipped my tongue in her mouth.

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