Chapter 17

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"Ugh would you stop whining?" Kat asked while pulling my arm.

"No. I just wanna go to bed." I dragged out.

"What's wrong with you anyways?" Elijah asked.

"My head hurts and any light makes me wanna pull my hair out. Where are we going anyways?" I noticed that the band was walking in front of us to a random place.

"I don't even know. They said 'put your shoes on, we're going on an adventure!" Kat faked enthusiasm.

"Well did I have to come?" I complain. I understood that I was probably being really annoying but my head hurt so much and I just wanted to sleep the pain away.

"Yes, you did." I heard a voice behind me. I stopped and turned around to see gerard handing me and water bottle and Advil. "I overheard a conversation before we left the hotel and I picked you up some medicine." He smiled shyly.

I grabbed the medicine and water while hugging him. "Thank you..." I noticed his cheeks flushed a deep red.

"UGH!" Elijah yelled out. Gerard looked at him confused while I just laughed. "I hate hetero relationships..." He sassily put his hand on his hip and walked over to the band. Kat and shai laughed and ran after him.

"So where are we going?" He laughed at my question. "Technically I'm not supposed to say anything but I know how you are. We are going to go eat breakfast but its on a steamboat!" Gerard held out his arms and jumped around.

"Really! I've never been on a steamboat!" I jumped up and down.

"I know!" He agreed.

I stopped. "Wait what? How would you know that?"

Gerard suddenly became very stiff. "I-I don't know- wait I mean I d-don't."

I was a little suspicious now. "Anyways we better catch up with them or we are gonna get left behind." He changed the topic. I looked forward and saw how far behind we were. "Oh." I grabbed his hand and we ran up to them.


It had been about 30 and my head felt so much better thanks to Gerard. We had arrived at the steamboat and when we first walked on, I was shocked. This was amazing.

The walls and flooring were really fancy and there were three levels. The only thing I didn't like was the stairs. They were really steep.

We were all sitting down eating lunch on the balcony when someone started calling me. I looked down at my phone and smiled when I saw that Eve was calling me. I hadn't talked to her in a hot minute.

"Um I will be back but I need to take this call." I announced and ran to the bathroom.

When I closed the door, I answered and sat down in one of the stalls.

"HEY BESTFRIEND!" Eve shouted over the phone.

Oh lord.

"Hey. What have you been doing?"

"Moping. Its so BORING with you gone. Nova and I literally have nothing to do because the guys are at work. But tonight we are all gonna go to the arcade to distract ourselves." She said really fast.

"I wish I was home but just think, I will only be gone for a few months. I'm sure you can find something to do in the meantime."

"Yea. Oh wait I gotta go. The boys just got back."

"Alright Eve I'll talk later. Love you."

"Love you too." And with that the called ended. It wasn't that long but it was something.

I stepped out of the bathroom and back to the table.


We were all back at the hotel and the girls were getting ready to go out tonight.

"Oh my god, I literally haven't had a good glass of tequila in so long." Shai complained.

"Oh hush now. You can drink whatever you want tonight but be careful because the concert is tomorrow." Kat reprimanded.

I sat up in the chair I was sitting in. "I don't get it. If you are worried about being too drunk for the concert, why are you drinking tonight?"

"The boys usually like to drink the night before a concert because it just helps to settle the nerves, and they get a good nights sleep. So when they go clubbing, we tag along too." Kat explained.

I nodded and layed back down. Soon enough I felt something get thrown at me. I turned to look at it and it was a dress. But it was a beautiful dress. It was purple with a black wrap around the waist and spaghetti straps.

"Put it on. You're going too." Shai smiled.

I didn't really know what to say and I didn't even bother trying to deny it, so I walked into the bathroom and slipped it on.

God, tonight was going to be a long night.

Holy shit I hadn't updated this book in a while but I am still living with family. Finding a house is not easy.

Listening to: Molly - MSI
Date: 3-20-22
Time: 8:17 am
Mood: fuckkkkkkkk my head hurts

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