Chapter 8

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When the taxi driver pulled up to the bus station, I just sat there. I was nervous for this trip or what was left of it. I didn't know what would happen when I saw him again and I didn't know any of these people.

"Alright 30 dollars." I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the taxi driver speaks up.

"Oh right." I reach into my bag and hand the man 30 dollars. I open up the door and climb out. I grab my bags and start to walk over to a man with a clipboard.

"Hi um my name is Annalise Scott and I'm supposed to be meeting a Katherine Olley?"

"She's over there." The man says while pointing behind me.

I turn around and see a young woman with long light brown hair. I walk over to her.

"Are you Katherine Olley?" I ask the pretty lady.

"Yes thats me..."

"I'm Annalise Scott."

"Oh you are the new photographer! It's so nice to meet you!" She says while hugging me.

"Ok so technically since you fall under stage crew category, you and I are gonna be on the same bus!"

"Thats great." I smile.

"We are bus 3 which is the one directly in the middle. The managers or important people are on bus 1. The techie's are on bus 2. The clothing types of people are on bus 4, and the band is on bus 5."

I shiver. I don't want to see him again let alone think of him. But I guess I'm just gonna have to suck it up.

"Ok I think thats all. Um you can go on the bus now and your name will be on your bed." She smiles as she walks away.

I pick up my suitcase and walk over to my bus. When I walk I notice how fancy this bus is. I look at the different beds and I find one with my name on it. I step over and set my bags down. I take a moment to take everything in. I'm in North Dakota. On a bus. Heading to seattle. With a man that harrassed me. Life's great.

I decided to call my mom real quick before we leave. I pull out my phone and dial her number. It starts to ring.

"Hello?" I hear her answer.


"Oh hey sweetie. How is everything?"

"Its pretty good uh I'm in North Dakota and I'm on the bus that's gonna be driving to Seattle."

"So how do you feel?" She asks.

"Nauseous. And nervous. Wow I didn't think about it but I'm a nervous wreck. I feel like I could be sick at any moment and I already miss everyone back home." I spit out.

"Oh honey we miss you too, but trust me you will be fine and you'll be home before you know it. But I would get a trash bag just in case." She says. I laugh at the last part.

"Ok well mom I'm gonna let you go, I'm sure we will be leaving soon."

"Alright sweetie have fun and please be safe. I love you."

"I love you too, bye." I hang up the phone and set it down next to me. I rest my head in my hands trying not to be sick.

I slide my suitcase underneath my bed and start to walk around.

I walk down a small hallway and see a sliding door.

When I slide it open I am greeted with a whole livingroom and kitchen. I see a TV hooked up with a window behind the couch. There are all black appliances and the lamps all have yellow bulbs. I walk over and sit down on the couch. The TV was playing HGTV so I decided to just watch that for right now.

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