Chapter 12

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What happened?

That was the only thing I could ask myself.

Right now I sat on a couch in a dressing room, waiting for the concert to start. I was thinking about what happened this morning before Kat found out one of the signs broke.

I heard someone screaming, literally begging for mercy. I heard a gunshot. I heard a loud crash. It might have been the sign that crashed and fell, but who was in there? And what happened to the evidence?

My camera was sitting in my hands and I didn't realize how much I was shaking until someone opened the door.


I looked up and saw Elijah in the doorway.

"Hey." I smiled weakly.

"What's wrong? Why do you look sad?" He asked concerned while sitting down next to me.

"I'm not sad. I'm just scared. Before I just did photography as a hobby but now its my job. What if I mess up? That could ruin a lot of things..." I take a deep breath in.

"Listen, I know we just met a few days ago but I saw your work and you are very talented. Trust me. If I could take photos like you, I would be bragging about it to everyone." He says while sassily flipping his not-so-long hair.

I laugh at how funny he's acting.

"Thanks. Why are you not a therapist?" I ask.

"I don't have the mental or emotional capacity to deal with people's feelings." He says while sipping a glass of coffee.


I lift up my camera to take a picture of Elijah but stop when my camera beeps. I look down and see that it says 'no memory card'.

That's odd.

I know for a fact that my memory card is in here.

I look in the card slot and see nothing there.

"Oh no..." I hold my breath.

"What happened?" Elijah questions.

"My memory card is gone." I look up.

"What!?" Elijah exclaims.

"I don't know how. I put the memory card from my old camera in here but now its gone. It was just in here last night." I trail off.

"Where was your camera at last night?"

I look at Elijah with a suspicious look. What was he getting at?

"It was in here because I didn't want to arrive in the morning and have forgotten it." I say cautiously.

"You don't think someone stole it, do you?"

I stop. Maybe someone did steal it. But why a memory card? Did they think it was new or something?

"Well if someone did steal it then that would suck because that card has photos on it from back when I was 14." I say sadly.

"Do you have another card?" He asks.

"If I did I wouldn't have put my card into the new camera."

"Then we need another card." He states the obvious.

"No shit sherlock. The only problem is that we don't have any time." I state.

"We should have a few minutes. Let's go check with Kat." He says jumping up and running out of the room. I quickly run after him.

We ran for a minute or two and while I almost knocked someone over, we made it to Kat. She was in a dressing room with Shai and the band. Frank was tuning his guitar, Mikey and Ray were joking about something, Bob was asleep, and Gerard was doing his eyeliner.

Forever is Never [Gerard Way]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora