Chapter 10

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Me, Kat, Shai, and Elijah were all in sitting in a large booth at the diner, waiting for the band to show up.

"Its been 10 minutes, where are they?" Kat asks while checking her watch.

"I don't know why you always have so much faith in them. They are always late." Elijah says while setting his head down.

"I have faith in them because I know they are good people. They just make mistakes." Kat says while looking around the diner.

I notice Elijah and Shai share a look and sit their heads down.

A few minutes later, we finally see the band walk through the door. First walks in Mikey and Ray. It looked like they were both joking around. Next walked in Bob and Frank. Bob had his elbow sitting on Frank's shoulder while Frank looked pissed off. And of course, lastly walked in Gerard. You could spot that ice white hair from a mile away. He stepped in and made eye contact with me. He smirked a little and put his hand on his hip.

"Oh my god they're finally here. I'm really hungry." Shai says while rubbing her stomach.

I was sitting near the edge of the seat when I feel someone sit next to me. I look up and see Gerard.

"Looks like we meet again, sugar..." He whispers in my ear. I shiver at the nickname. It's the same thing he said to me the night of the concert.

"Alright we can finally order some food." Elijah says relieved.

Shai calls for a waitress and some lady with her boobs halfway out of her shirt comes walking over here. She was wearing very tiny shirt and red high heels. She had makeup caked all over her face and big poofy hair. It honestly kind of scared me.

The waitress took everyones order and then she got to me. It was around 1 in the afternooon so I decided to just order some fries.

"Ok well I will be back soon." She gave Gerard a flirty smile and shook her ass while walking away. I saw Gerard stare at her while she left. I gave a disgusted look.

"That's all you are gonna eat?" Shai asks me from across the table.

"What?" I looked at her confused.

"You only ordered fries. Are you sure that's all you want?"

"Yea I'm not that hungry anyways and I don't want to over stuff myself." I respond.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me at the table. I lower my head and stare at my feet. I feel really nauseous and embarrassed. Is it really that big of a deal if I just order some fries for lunch?

"Anyways so the concert is at 7 pm so you all will need to wake up at 5 am." Kat speaks up.

The band groans.

"Do we have to wake up that early?" Mikey whines as he lays his head back.

"Hey I wouldn't complain because we have to wake up at 3." Kat says.

Elijah and Shai both throw their heads down on the table.

"Why so early?" I ask.

"Because since we deal with the stage mainly, we have to make sure everything is ready for them to practice." She responds.

I nod my head. I then feel Gerard breathing on my shoulder and his hand sitting on my knee. I try not to acknowledge the fact that he is waiting for a response out of me. I feel his hand scoot up just a little bit as the waitress comes back with our food and drinks.

She handed out everyone's food and drinks and then put her hand on Gerard's shoulder.

"You know I like a good time with some wine and games..." she whispers in his ear seductively.

Forever is Never [Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now