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So I haven't updated this book in a few days but I will tonight. I just finished reading a Frerard book and that made me really sad. LET ME CLEAR SOME THINGS UP ABOUT THIS BOOK.

Gerard was born in 1987 instead of 1977 because Annalise was born in 1989. If he was born in 77 then he would be 32 and she would be 19.... so he's 22.

The year in the book right now is 2009 but Gerard has white hair. Just go along with it because it goes with the story.

ANNALISE IS ONLY 5'5. that's not really important but I just wanted to say it.

If anyone is confused about anything in the book just let me know and I will clear it up.

Thanks for reading.

Later babes.



Alright so I haven't been updating my books for like a week or something like that, and I won't be for a little longer. BUT I HAVE REASONS.

1. My family and I just moved out of a place that we lived in for literally 3 years and we don't have a place yet. We are staying with family and there are SO MANY PEOPLE. There is also no privacy and I like to write when I am alone because I feel comfortable. We will hopefully have a place Tuesday so I may be able to write again soon.

2. I don't have a lot of motivation. I always wake up super early to get ready for school and so I can make it there on time. I wake up at 5:30. One of the things that go along with waking up early is trying to make myself happy or feel good but its kinda doing the opposite. Anyways, I come home from school and I'm just really tired and hungry so I usually eat and then crash. Hopefully it won't be like that anymore once we move into a new place. I also use sleeping as an excuse to avoid people.

3. I am kinda having a hard time on what to write. Idk if its writer's block or not. Its like, I know what I want to write about but I just don't know how to put it into words, if that makes sense. I still haven't finished the 3rd chapter for "Bullets For Love" and I literally feel so bad about it but I just don't know what to write.

I can't really think of any other reasons, these are the three main ones.


So when I first started writing FIN, I wanted Annalise to be kind of shy but not shy. Sort of like chilled out but not afraid to hang out with people. After writing a chapter or two though, I gave up on the whole idea and started to write her character like me. Like how I act and my personality. I thought that it would be easier that way. I am going to go back to some of the first chapters and edit them because I messed up some of the punctuation and I just don't like the way I wrote it.

ALSO I KINDA WANNA GIVE MY IDEAS OF WHO PLAYS THE CHARACTERS. You can imagine whoever you want as the characters but these are the people I think of when I write them.

Annalise - Camilla Belle or Michelle Trachtenberg

Eve - Sadie Sink

Nova - Grace Phipps

Peter - Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Andy - Jonathan Taylor Thomas (AS A TEEN)

Gerard Way - As himself

Mikey Way - As himself

Frank Iero - As himself

Ray Toro - As himself

Bob Bryar - As himself

Kat (Katherine) - Brie Larson

Shai (Shailene) - Shailene Woodley (Blonde)

Elijah - Miles Teller

Cherie (Annalise's Mom) - Sarah Clarke

Like I said, you can imagine whoever you want but these are the people that I think of.

Btw, the reason that Annalise only referred to her mom as "Mom" was because I didn't have a name picked out for her yet but I found one. Cherie. Its like Cherry but spelled differently. Idk why but I just liked it.

I have came up with some more book ideas so when I come back I will have more content. I'm honestly pretty proud of what I've done so far and I'm so excited.

Anyways, I'm sorry about this and I will be back soon.

Bye. -ET

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