Chapter 6

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It was now the 27th of December, 2008. It has been 7 days since my meeting with Mr. Lansky.

I was sitting on the floor in front of my dresser holding his business card in one hand while my phone was in the other.

Do I really want to do this? Then again I'm 19, I need to start my life which means going to college and then getting a job. But what about money?

I start to dial the number but I don't hit 'call' yet. I just stare at my phone thinking that if I stare long enough it'll call on its own.

I tried to re-grip my phone but I accidentally dropped it. When I picked it back up I realized that when I dropped it, I must've pressed 'call' because my phone was ringing.

I got scared so I set my phone down and stared at it.

"Hello?" I hear someone speak on the phone.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"

I slowly reach for the phone and pick it up.

"Um hi." I manage to say.

"Who is this?" The lady asks.

"My name is Annalise Scott. I was hoping to be able to talk to Mr. Lansky."

"Oh I don't know, he's pretty busy right now."

"Please? It's really important." I beg.

I hear the person on the other line make a lot of movement.

"Hello?" I hear a man on the phone now.

"Mr. Lansky! I am so glad that you had time to talk. Um anyways I wanted to talk to you about the offer."

I took a second to breathe and continued, probably regretting every second.

"I wanna do it."

"Oh thats great! Here why don't you come to my office tomorrow and we will talk about it all. Does five work for you?"

"Uh yes sir." I respond.

"Alright great I will see you tomorrow." And with that Mr. Lansky hangs up the phone.

I throw my phone down and stare off into space.

What did I just do? Did I face my fear? Or make it worse? How am I gonna tell my mom I took the offer? I almost forgot about Eve... Oh she is gonna be heartbroken. What am I going to say? Oh I just took an offer to tour with My Chemical Romance for five months just so I can get a scholarship. I feel kind of selfish right now. Is that a bad thing? I mean I need to think about my future but is it worth it if I hurt the people I love and myself?

I think I just need some fresh air.

I stand up and go grab my shoes and jacket. I was wearing a plain long sleeve black shirt with regular jeans, my brown leather jacket and my boots.

I walk outside and start walking anywhere. I can't believe I just took that offer. But then I start to think. Ten years in the future, what if I didn't take that offer? How would my life be? Would I still have a good job anyways and a husband? Or would I still be working at the coffee shop and be lonely?

As I'm thinking I hear a kid giggling. I look over and see that the park is right there. I see a kid on the swings who looks to be about 10 or 11. They're being pushed by their dad while their mom is videotaping it. I smile at the sweet moment but I feel my heart hurt.

If only things were different.

I don't remember too much of my dad considering the fact that he was working a lot, but whenever he was home it was the best thing ever. Sometimes we would go out to Randall's and sometimes we would go to the park. I remember always wanting to be like him when I got older. I thought that he was so strong and could handle anything. I remember the night that I found out he died.

Forever is Never [Gerard Way]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora