Chapter 16

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Everyone was sitting at a large table discussing the schedules and joking around. I just sat there silently.

"Ann? Do you have any comments?" Kat asks. I look over.

"Um not really." I stare at the floor. I was so tired. I felt like I hadn't slept in a hundred years.

"Are you ok?" Shai asks.

"Yea I'm alright, I'm just gonna step outside." I stand up and feel everyone looking at me. I walk outside and sit against the wall.

I layed my head back and shut my eyes but opened them when I heard someone sit down beside me. I look over and see Mikey.

"Hi..." He says while holding his hands in his lap. I respond back with a simple hello.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asks. I look at him with confusion.

"You had nightmares, I know."

"How did you know that?" I ask getting nervous.

"The way your eyes keep falling shut but you won't actually sleep. It happens to a lot of people when they have bad dreams. If you don't sleep then nothing bad will happen, but you're really tired at the same time." I stare at him in amazement.

"You picked all that up from just some body language?" I ask. He nods in response.


"Oh um I just had a dream that I died. It was weird. First I was in a coffin and next I was in bed. Then I died and woke up in a church." I say leaving out a lot of the details, mainly Gerard.

"That's strange... is that one of your fears?" I stare at him. How?

"Um yea... why?"

"Well if you are scared of something you tend to dream about it a lot. For example, Frank is scared of storms and he dreams about them all the time."

"Wow I never thought about it like that."

We both sat there in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable.

"Tell you what, we're all going to a club tomorrow night. You should come." He smiles.

"I'm not 21 yet though."

"I'm not 21 either but we can still get in." He winks.

"How old are you?"

"Same age as you, 19. Frank's only 18."

"Is he the youngest?"


"I'll think about it." I say closing my eyes.

"Great." He laughs.


"Dammit!" I say frustratingly. I was trying to fix Kat's small camera that she accidentally dropped.

"I don't know how you are gonna fix that..." Elijah says while drinking some orange juice.

"I don't know either." Kat and Shai were out at the store while the band was sitting on a large couch. They were either watching TV or joking around. Elijah and I were sitting at a table dealing with the camera next to the couch.

"Ugh fuck! All of the pieces are trying to come apart!" I yell. The boys look over at me.

"Breathe." Elijah says. "What's wrong with it anyways?"

"The camera lens is shattered and most of the buttons are gone. I don't know if this can be saved. The good thing is that the memory card is alright."

Forever is Never [Gerard Way]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя