Chapter Twenty-Three

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A Decade After Swearing

Kana's POV:

The order rattled throughout the blood oath. For seven days the only gossip to cloud any spies ears had been how the ambassador to Doranelle had been brutally murdered. No weapon had been identified.

The Queen of Doranelle promised the royal family they would hunt whoever did this into the ground. Fae forces had already arrived by the next morning. Which had been a pain in the ass for Sharva.

Six days ago the ambassador from Sollemere had been murdered as well. Sharva had been pissed, however pleased she was at the marvelous kill. It was not her who made the final blow. Sadly.

Five days ago, a second ambassador from Sollemere arrived. Promising war and destruction from the inside out should he die. House Ashryver snarled at how they had no idea what was happening. Sollemere soldiers started a fight that night at the most popular gambling house in the city.

Sharva's gambling house, and a cloaked Doranelle fae, broke up the fight. Leaving the seven Sollemere fae, with broken noses and kicked to the curb. Ivan Auvana had shown up minutes later, snarling at the manager. Then he proceeded to find papers showing how the manager stole earnings.

Jared Kamava had come to check on a dealer with brown hair and brown eyes, almost like a doe. The sweet faced female now ran the house, dragging in more attention than ever with limited time matches that went up in price every time people failed the game.

On the Fourth day, The fae investigators had demanded access to the house's files, and the doe-eyed girl happily let them in. With nothing to hide. No one knew exactly why the fae males left with different clothes or glazed eyes. However people figured that they fucked witht he wrong female.

Which they did.

On the third day, a fae male had been arrested for sex-trafficing. The smaller brothel down on the corner, had been smacked out of business in hours. The women and females inside had been set free. The owner and guards are thrown into prison until trial.

Three of the females that had been held there found their mates, who were of course a part of the Doranelle fae that was here guarding. House Ashryver promised retribution to the darling Queen Maeve.

The Queen's only request was that they be punished in death. No trial was held, however twenty seven headless bodies were found a few days later. No one could put names to a faceless body, everyone knew who they were though. With the kinslayer marking branded onto their shoulders.

Two days ago, seven males were caught with the same exact tattoo, however in different places. The tattoo was a wreath of mint leaves, with serpents twinding between them, in the center was a skull, and a weird looking key in the forehead.

A mob was the conclusion, the Yokai rippled at the fact. That their most valuable strike team had been caught, and executed for treason a day later. Now there were searches going under way, people looking for others with tattoos just like the ones on the men found.

Groups had been found, over a hundred had been trialed, and executed for treason within two days.

And yesterday was perhaps the worst. Someone leaked that there was a group, called the Yokai, who would overthrow the Dark Queen. I return righteousness back to the fae. Rapists, sexual assulters, unjust males and females would be held responsible.

Hours later another higher ranking member leaked that they had a fae female with powerful magic. Who was immune to iron. The entire world went into an uproar. Bounty hunters and slavers flocked to the new Capital of Wendlyn, searching for the archer immune to iron.

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