Chapter Twenty

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A Decade Since Swearing

Kana's POV: 

The sound of pattering rain filled her senses, as small feather light kisses were pressed up her abdomen. She hummed softly, as Jared pulled up to look her in the eyes. He whispered, "Are you sure? I haven't told them about your immunity powers."

"I want to," She whispered, tracing small circles on his chest. "I need to, they are wrong in the world. No one is doing anything about it, but we can. We can and we will."

Jared smiled down at her, kissing her deeply. "We can set up a meeting today if you want, I was going to have a meetup anyways. I don't think they'll mind if you tag along."

She nodded, "I don't have any archer scouting wear that doesn't have their sigil." he chuckled and kissed her forehead, sliding away from her. Planting his feet on the floor, she tugged the sheets up and over her. His shirt wasn't there to shield her today.

"We don't do meet ups like that." Jared said, pulling on his shorts and pants. "We have nothing to hide, we only speak the truth."

He smiled, "Wear something nice, we are going out."

"I'll need to drop by my apartment."

He nodded, slowly leaning back across the bed. Her lips, soft and smooth, like every other time. She smiled against his lips, butterflies fluttering around within her. She sat up, pulling her pants on. Jared, who spared another glance in her direction, stalked into the bathroom.

Her hands shook slightly, as she escaped from his house. Kora was a mask that she wore, a mask that loved Jared and his ways of things. Underneath, she was only Kana. Who was now stalking right into the hands of the people who wanted her dead. Monster. Demon. Lady of Murder and Slaughter.

Her hands shook, and she shoved them into her jacket pocket. Her heart squeezed, the small ache caused by the armored jacket that The Weaver had given her. The precious gift had been left in Doranelle.

Her feet made small pattering sounds as she made her way to the level of her apartment. Metal clattered against one another as she shuffled around her keys. One to Jared's house, one to her own apartment, one to the cafe, and one to the secret storehouse Maeve kept stocked with armor and weapons.

She found the key to her apartment and shoved it into the door lock. She sighed and was about to swing open the door to her little abode. "Hello there."

She jumped and yanked the key out of the lock. The male was taller than her by a landslide, "I haven't seen you around is all. Perhaps we could get to know each other."

"I'm quite busy," She said softly, there wasn't a single knife on her. Gods knew she wasn't the best at hand to hand combat. The male frowned and said, "I'm Jared's friend, do you mind answering why he's been around you so much."

"If he's your friend," She glared at him in the eyes, her face dropping to rest perfectly like the bitch she was. "Then ask him yourself."

The male frowned and shoved his hands into his pockets. His arm moved swiftly, his hand moving too fast. She flinched slightly, her mind blanking out of all common sense. She tensed and did not reach to grab the male's hand. The male of course noticed and whispered, "I am sorry for frightening you."

"Go bother Jared," She snapped. "And quit stalking me and yes, I have seen you following me around the past several blocks, for the past few days."

The male's eyes widened in shock, and she entered her apartment. Slamming the door in his face, the wall rattled slightly. The vase on the hutch near the door wobbled, and she placed her fingers around the rim. Stopping it from possibly tipping over.

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