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Third Person's POV: 

Over the horizon, in the dead of night. A glowing red comet, emitted with the power of a Queen. Everyone in the land watched as the comet made impact somewhere in the Raavi Tribe's mountains.

The Queen pursed her lips together, watching as the bright red light extinguished over the cliffs. With a steady yank, on an oath of chains. The Dark Queen retreated from her balcony and her room all together.

She stalked through the castle on gracefully skilled quiet feet. Yet she was loud, her shoes clicking on the marble floors as she walked. Guards flanking her, only the most trusted of the fae could earn those positions.

The Dark Queen entered her throne room, stalking past the three soldiers kneeling before her throne. The Eldest aa demi fae male, who was blessed by Hellas and on his third century. The second was a male with the heart of gold, the third, a darkened male from a world he never knew existed. Both were on their second century of life.

The Dark Queen sat on her throne, and flicked her fingers. The Eldest arose from his kneeling position. The two others remained kneeling. The Queen spoke, "In three days time you three will leave for the Raavi Tribe to investigate the comet. Should it be a rock like everyone else thinks, then do whatever it takes to buy it."

"Yes, majesty." The General said, crossing his arm over to his heart. The Queen nodded and continued, "However, should it be what I suspect then do an evaluation. Test the waters, learn the weaknesses of the tribe."

The golden one arose from his position on the floor and asked, "My Queen, if I may, what do you suspect of the comet?"

The Dark Queen grinned and declared, "Dearest Gavriel, you may. Should I stand correct that it is not a comet at all." The Dark Queen relaxed on her throne, a servant placing a large glass of the finest wine into her palm. "The light was a person. The Raavi Tribe are said to be descendents from worldwalkers, and one day an heir from their world would come to inherit the powers of their ancestors. Therefore this Descendent would be one of the most powerful beings alive. Should it be a fae like I suspect, then I want them."

They were all silent, The General bending to the Queen's will. The Lion deciding that if it was a person that it would be best for the Queen to wield them under the blood oath. She had her reasons, and The Lion respected the unknown. The Quiet one prayed, begged to any stars that would listen, that it was not a person.

He prayed and prayed that the comet was indeed just a giant space rock, and not a person from another world. Praying that an innocent wouldn't be bound to the chains of slavery by the blood oath.

By the Dark Queen.

By Meave.

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