Chapter Eight

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(Up above is Kana's armor, art is not mine)

Third Person's POV:

The Lion's steps were silent as the hunter he was named after. Vaughn stalked quietly beside his comrade, fisted hands tucked into his pockets. Lorcan strided in front of the two, his presence loud, yet the general could not be any more quiet.

Vaughn spoke first, "Kana is a child."

"You're a child." Lorcan countered quickly. The Osprey snarled, "Why else do you think I know this is a bullshit idea."

Gavriel watched the two of them intently. Vaughn had been forced into the blood oath a decade and a half ago. Lorcan had taken the blood oath around his seventh decade, already shoved into his bastard demor, even more so as a soldier. He had enrolled in the armies of Doranelle around his third decade.

Lucky. The Lion was lucky he had achieved a century of freedom before swearing the blood oath to the Dark Queen. Not that he knew that, they trusted their Queen. They shouldn't, yet nothing could shed truth for no one had been left alive to do so.

As the General and the Osprey continued to bicker, Gavriel finally intervened. Tension cut through the air like binding chains. "Kana would have drawn Meave's attention anyways. She's already been thrust into the army, it was only a matter of time."

Lorcan pressed his lips together slightly. Gavriel arched his brow, and the General said flatly. "The Matriarchs held a vote before we left, Kana will start out as a Captain under Lieutenant Skiva. Specifically his second."

Gavriel blinked, "Lieutenant Harvey Skiva?"

Lorcan nodded as they continued to walk toward their private quarters. Gavriel questioned, "Isn't he from Valrowe originally"

"He is."

The Osprey was quiet, Kana Brangwen was a soldier. Yet at her worst she was a survivor, the woman strapped with knives, knowledge, wisdom, and a sharp tongue had only given them glimpses of her pain through her eyes.

There were the armies of Doranelle, a few of those legions kindly represented the Raavi tribe. Since Doranelle had conquered them long ago, a hundred years after the Vlag wars, the tribe was seen as a Dependent State because Doranelle ruled them. Everyone knew the tribe disagreed with this, yet the Matriarchs made sure everyone did as Doranelle commanded.

No one had dared sttep apart to fight for the Tribe's freedom, Doranelle would obliterate them. Lieutenant Skiva had been born and raised in Valrowe, yet joined Doranelle's armies at a young age.

Lieutenant Skiva's battalion was filled with soldiers from the Raavi tribe, and Lorcan's legion was composed mostly of soldiers from Skiva's battalion. Vaughn shook his head, and tucked away into his room after that.

Gavriel said smoothly, "Kana should have the chance to step out."

Lorcan snorted, "Those Matriarch's won't let her, not with her magic; And even if Meave lets her go, you know she'll demand Kana stay here in Doranelle."

"It's better than this brutality."

"Vaughn was in her position."

"He is in her position."

Lorcan pressed his lips together slightly, then shook his head. The Lion frowned, as the General spoke. "Vaughn was spared, we were able to train him before he was thrust into his first battle. He knew what he was getting into, I made sure of that."

The Lion clenched his jaw tightly, he murmured. "I don't think Valrowe was Kana's first fight. It doesn't line up."

Lorcan nodded, before whispering. "Meave was right."

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