Chapter Ten

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A/N: I'm trying third person to see how I like it. Just a side note.

Kana's POV:

Her bones ached. While a numbness familiar and different kept her stomach plastered to the cot. She shifted her foot, only to stretch the tight things around her. The tight things, which she had come to the conclusion were bandages, had been with her everytime she succumbed to the pain of consciousness.

The Mother, The Crone, and The Youth. Were painful women, or females. Whatever they preferred to be called. They'd kept her in her mind, trapped, sticking out the pain of death. Living with it, adapting to the medicine the healers shoved down her throat, the poison too.

A rough hand stretched through her hair. Comforting movements, soothing. A softer hand pressed against her cheek, checking for a fever. A soft light, of dawn or dusk, was curtained by her eyelids. A male that was not Harvey murmured, "Will she wake soon?"

"She's slowly waking up," The soft handed person must have said. "She can likely hear us talking right now."

A warm presence surrounded the air, and the soft light pushed her into a steady sleep. When she woke up the next time, Kana didn't bother to hide her consciousness. Her eyes struggled awake, her half lidded eyes weighed down by the might of exhaustion.

A golden male lounged in a chair on the far tent side. An ankle rested on his knee, the white cotton shirt revealing the top of his toned chest. His hair was slightly shiny, like from not being washed recently.

A dark male, was bent over her desk. The male skimmed over her papers, her journal in the same place she left it, almost. Snoop. A gossip too, almost every immortal was. You couldn't forget their dramatic sides either, immortals were huge drama queens. His dark hair had grown out to just below his shoulders. A sign of peace in a way.

The long hair on both of them would soon be cropped short. If the battle said anything about the future, there would soon be lots of them. Battle. Blood. Pain. Hellfire. Sollemere.

She sighed, the silence pressing in on her. She hissed softly as the bit of residing pain dug into her mind, made her dizzy. The dark haired male was over to her in a second. Tilting her chin to glare up at him. He gave her a once over, checking for any immediate wounds. Wounds that hadn't healed.

He carefully moved her legs slightly to the side, the cot creaked as his weight was set upon it. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment before she forced them back open. Lorcan whispered, "Your wounds will scar."

"Expected." She whispered, the air catching her throat. She pinched her lips together, swallowing, again. Swallowing a third time, her saliva barely assisted the groachiness of her throat.

A small canteen was pressed to her lips. The smooth water slid over her tongue, the coolness cutting off the edge in her throat. She tried to pull away, but the General made her swallow most of the contents down until he was satisfied.

Lorcan set the canteen on a side table next to her cot, it was littered with a burnt out candle, bandages, ointment, and a few other papers. The General brushed her hair from her face. Revealing her half ear, she tried to press her face deeper into the pillows.

To escape his gaze burning down upon her. He whispered, "What happened."

She shook her head, the reminder was great. A monster she'd died, a disappointment to her sisters. She was dead long before they'd run a spear through her, the gentle ghosts filled her head with memories. Following along the story the youth had told her.

Lorcan frowned and had barely brushed it– she flinched trying to pull away. Escape from his torcher, the golden male swatted his hand away. His tawny eyes flared with challenge. Lorcan scoffed before standing to his full height, he towered over the Lion. Yet in the dim candle light the small bands of tattoo's around the base of the lion's neck were edging onto the top of his chest. His rolled up sleeves allowed her to re-noticed the small bands of ink around the top of his arm, only around six tiny bands. Seven from his neck and chest area, along with three that just topped his shoulder.

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