Chapter Thirteen

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Kana's POV: 

The village had been evacuated into the mountain, and Sollemere's forces were lined up about seventy paces away from the rock. Jameel sighed and murmured, "This will end horribly."

"Never give up the high ground." I reminded him. He shook his head and Asena shoved her way in between both of us. I giggled and ran my fingers through her gray fur, giving the wolf the attention she demanded. Garrison approached us slowly, his gaze shot between Jameel and I. "We're ready, set everything up just like you asked."

Nodding slowly, I turned towards the enemy's at our doors. Humming softly we began the wait. Silence took over the plain, a washing mercy. Garrison said, "I got a small note from Harvey, He and Lorcan are hauling ass trying to get here. Meave, for some reason, still wants us under her thumb."

"And alive." Jameel added.

The drums began, I flinched as they sounded off for the first beat, then continued to do so. Slowly the army crept forward, Jameel whispered. "Are you sure about this? Meave could kill you."

"I don't think she'll pass up on the most powerful full-blooded female in the world." I winked at him, turning to the Sollemere soldiers again. As loud as her voice could carry she shouted, "FIRE!"

Sollemere visually paused as their shields made their way up. Yet nothing they could see was happening. You could see the arrogance within Sollemere's ranks as they put their shields down. Jameel clasped his hand with mine, Garrison slightly moving in front of us both. I nodded my head in respect. "See you on the other side."

They nodded their agreement, she grudgingly took her hand back.

And winnowed into the front lines of Sollemere.

Their faces changed in an instant. The power was a dark storm shredding through any who touched it. The elemental sight flicked on, and she saw what looked like mainly shifting magic, water and wind magic as well.

I slammed the power into them all, their screams died out among the shadows. I heard a taut bowstring deep within the darkness and threaded to a different position.

The arrow hit where my feet had been, casting my hand out the darkness wavered. A bird shifter had escaped, shooting a slash of darkness into the sky, killing the shifter. I winnowed back to the walls.

Appearing Jameel had a steady arm around her shoulders just in case, and the shadows finally ebbed, the shield fell and the soldiers were immediately blinded from the light. Others lay dead at the face of soldiers.

The well spin glamor fell, and the army of the Raavi was revealed. Wolves and all. The archers fired at last, pinning the blinded soldiers down with their arrows. Single shots, they couldn't waste arrows on volleys.

The Sollemere forces adapted, quickly shielding against the arrows. I cursed violently, my lips curved into a sharp snarl. I had missed the Commander, which meant he moved positions from yesterday. Which was incredibly uncommon. They didn't know of my military might, which was why I wasn't on the field.

Then to be secure afterward I threaded back here so it would appear they were trying to save my magic for bigger hits. Garrison nodded and hopped upon his bonded wolf charging for the battlefield.

What has gone wrong? How did it go wrong?

Sollemere pushed our forces back quickly, I just about had enough. Stepping toward the edge I could see the Commander, blending perfectly in with the other soldiers. They held the lines, then she saw it. The opening, the break. Kana gripped Jameel's hand and threaded them directly into the frey.

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