Chapter Sixteen

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Kana's POV: 

This had been the welcoming she expected, when the raavi Tribe had found her, and she awoke. Iron chains bound her down to a stone table, prepared to keep her down. Depending on her weakness.

Her weakness wasn't iron.

She shifted her wrists, tight iron cuffs chafing her skin raw. Legs were spread just slightly apart, and her ankles at the same iron cuffs chained her to the stone slab.

She prayed in her mind, shields locked tight. Begging that this was not a sacrificial altar, and that she would live long enough to see her sisters again. Instead she studied the surroundings and herself.

Her side did not hurt, neither did her legs, which meant a healer had fixed the wounds up. The ceiling and walls were all stone, a cave. A tunnel led out of the room, where the roaring of a waterfall crashed over everything.

Loud enough to roar over the screams that this room beheld. She knew based on the gleaming healers tools left out on a leather kit. That this was the place where Meave broke her favorites. Bound them to her in blood.

The sounds of feet walking down the tunnel attracted her ears, two males, whispering softly. Her gaze was a burning wrath as Gavriel and Vaughn stepped through. The latters mouth was pressed to a thin line, his brows tightly pinched together.

Gavriel's voice was soft, "Meave will not tell us why she wants you, but we can tell you she wants you to swear the blood oath."

She said nothing, the pain she would feel in this room was unimaginable. Which is exactly why Lorcan wasn't here, he would be the one to torcher her. If not Meave, the Dark Queen herself.

Vaughn murmured softly, "Meave is coming to talk to you."

"Did she do this?" I asked, against all better judgements. "Did she chain you to a table strapped in iron when she wanted you as well?

Gavriel notably swallowed, but Vaughn shook his head. Gavriel left the room first, and just as he was out of the room Vaughn said. "No she didn't."

It was enough of an answer, that she laid her head back against the uncomfortable stone and fell asleep. The darkness swarmed in her mind, yet she barely slept. No, instead she was reinforcing her mental shields, building them up brick by brick. Fake layer, by fake layer.

If she could since if someone entered her mind, then she could control what they would see. Time had passed, yet the amount was uncertain. Yet still, the shadow hands of her mind piled brick by brick atop her walls.

Her mind was tapped slightly, a test to see what her challenges would be. Her walls became tighter, her will keeping her true self locked away deep within what could appear a prison within her mind.

Slowly she had her eyes flutter open. The female above her smiled, "Hello, Kana Brangwen." She said nothing, her silence perhaps would buy her more time. Meave woud not weaklings, she wanted murderers. Slaughterers, soldiers, spies, immortals, she hadn't Settled yet.

Jameel had explained it to her one day while they had been sparring. Where the fae body goes through the change, unlocks their full power, and they change into being an immortal.

According to him, the only thing more painful than it was childbirth. Accept he didn't have to deal with that. Meave grinned, "I can see the power in your eyes, child."

She opened her mouth against her better judgment, "Is that what you do here? Chain children to tables? Torcher them?"

Her sharp jawline tilted to the side, her sharp cheekbones powdered with a rose blush. She inhaled, taking in the Queen's magic around her. The Queen's true scent was sealed tightly, yet her perfume smelled like a mixture of oak, fesh rain, and lilac.

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