Let me out!

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Zoe's POV

I finally wake up to a very dark and cold room. I was shivering, I realized I couldn't do anything because my arms and legs were tied up. I started crying again because of how alone I was. I had so many questions...Where's Rico? Where am I? Who was that guy? Why am I here? Where the fuck is everyone? Will they even feed me? Suddenly, the large door opens and a tall figure is in the frame.

"Oh, you're awake." The voice sounds familiar, but since I can't see who it is I can't get my finger on it. I look up, glaring at them.

"Who are you and why am I here?!" I yell to them. The figure walks forward showing a little bit of their face. "I'm not going to answer any questions right now. I just came to check on you. You okay?" He asks. "What the fuck, dude. You kidnap me, put me in a dark and cold room, tell me that you won't answer ANY of my fucking questions and you have the nerve to ask if I'm okay?! Well here's your fucking answer, no I'm not okay!" Without saying another word, he walks out and shuts the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell feeling tears fall down my face from anger. I laid there on the cold floor once again left with my thoughts. Am I going to die down here?! Nobody will know where I went, Rico won't know if I made it home or not. Why does it have to be me?!

The door swings open again and the same tall figure appears. Instead of empty handed, he had a plate of spaghetti in his left hand. A glass of water in the right. He walks over, puts down the food and water, and unties my hands.

"Eat up." He says turning to walk away. "Oh, by the way, don't try to escape. There's no use." I mean mug him as he walks out the door and closes it. I smell and inspect the food like I do at the diner. Once I prove that it's clear, I dig in not knowing how hungry I actually am. I was eating like a pig. I'm glad that it was just me down here.

When I finished my food, I left the plate and cup by the door. I untied my legs and sat quietly.

I waited at least an hour before the door was opened once again. This time a taller figure is standing in the door frame. What the fuck is this Attack on Titans or something. Tall ass titans everywhere geez. The figure bends down and picks the plate and glass up.

"Hello?! Am I gonna stay down here for the rest of my fucking life?!" I yell at the figure. The figure just turns and starts to shut the door but I run and stand in between the door and the figure. The figure turns to face me and I see his face clearly.
"What the fuck?! Daniel?!"

Daniel was one of my father's friends, he used to be around all the time when I was a child. He would play unicorns and dollies with me. I always seen him as an uncle because of how comforting and supportive he was. He used to come and see me everyday, until he just stopped coming around. I got super bummed out and would stay in my room for hours a day.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But you'll have to stay in here a little longer."

"How much longer?!" He holds my cheek as he feels the tears roll down my face."Not much longer, I promise, princesa." The nickname rings in my head.

I miss that nickname, I remember every time I heard it my face would light up like fireworks. That nickname made me feel again especially when I was at my lowest.

"Please, let me go" I said my vision getting blurry with tears. "It's not me kidnapping you, darling. You know I would never do that." He said with a comforting smile. "But you're HELPING them!" I yell at him letting my anger take over.

He didn't even flinch when I yelled, I don't know why that made me mad but it did. He didn't feel my anger at all, it's like he's...used to it. Why is that? I've never yelled at him before so why is he so immune to it?

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