XV - The war is over

Start from the beginning

Eventually Luffy woke up and it was Jinbei who took on the heavy responsibility of going to the boy's side to prevent him from killing himself by abusing his body, trying at all costs to silence the voices and images that were running through his mind, replaying the death of his brother. Before he could set off, Law called out to him:


The fish-man turned and looked at the doctor who was holding something in his hand. He looked down and was surprized to see that he was holding one of the golden bracelets that usually adorned Lucia's wrist. The three green stones set in the metal were dotted with red droplets and it was badly deformed and damaged. Incredulous, he grasped it and remained for a moment contemplating the jewel in the palm of his hand before raising his eyes, in the corner of which tears were beading. Law did not blink:

"I did everything I could. He doesn't know, I'll let you tell him. Give details or not, as you wish."

Then he turned away, his hands in his pockets. Jinbei was left alone, with this extra weight in his heart and on his shoulders. Lucia was dead and it would be up to him to tell Luffy. How could he tell this boy, already shattered by the loss of his brother, that his sister and best friend was also no longer of this world? He clenched his fist around the bracelet and then set off towards the forest where Luffy's cries were echoing. He had to do it. The Straw Hat pirate's life was at stake.

Law returned to sit on a rock, his eyes riveted on his submarine, followed by Bepo who had witnessed the exchange:

"Is she dead?" he asked worriedly.

"No," Law replied.

"But then? What is that?"

"Because nothing's decided yet and if she does die, Straw Hat has to be ready. We might as well not give him false hope."

His tone of voice was dry, unemotional, as usual. He had made his choice. He would keep the Elementalist's life in his hands for now. Deep down he didn't really know what made him do it, but he had. The echo of yet another howl pierced the sky of the Isle of Women. Ace's name was joined by Lucia's. Jinbei had just told him. The Hearts crew bowed their heads, also carrying the weight of this secret that they should not divulge. In the submarine, the heart monitor attached to Lucia's body continued to make a faint sound, a sign that her heart was still beating despite everything, that on the tightrope of her life she was balancing and holding on despite the gusts of wind that threatened to knock her over. Law lifted the bottle that lay next to him to his lips, then glanced at Luffy's hat that was still lying next to him and sighed. Healing would take a long time.

Far away from the Amazon Lily, in the second part of the Grand Line, the New World, hundreds of pirates had gathered in silence around three graves. Two massive tombs had been erected over the bodies of Ace and Whitebeard, on which rested the distinctive attributes of the two pirates: Whitebeard's coat and weapon and his flag, Ace's belt and hat. A profusion of flowers surrounded the two monuments. In front of these tombs, Shanks and Marco stood for a moment, like the procession of pirates that had gathered behind them.

"Shanks, I don't know how to express my gratitude," said Marco.

"Please, let's not talk about it anymore. Whitebeard was our enemy, yet he deserves our deepest respect," Shanks replied. "Even Sengoku agreed."

His gaze then shifted to the third, smaller stele, which lay on the ground next to Ace's. The name "Gol D Lucia" was engraved on it and on its back rested the tunic that had been picked up on the battlefield. Marco followed his gaze and sighed:

"We couldn't find her body... what a tragedy. I had no idea who she really was until today..."

"Nobody knew," Shanks continued. "But now no one will ever forget her or the words she spoke. She was a great woman."

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