Bonus Chapter 2

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"I melt a stick of butter and a bar of dark chocolate on the stove," Mila said, throwing them into the pot. "I also add sugar."

Audrey took notes on a notepad.

"You want this to cool so it doesn't cook your eggs," Mila told her.

"Wow, Mil. I can't believe you have all of this memorized."

"I've been cooking and baking for as long as I can remember," she said. "It takes practice and patience."

"I only started cooking for Jackson," Audrey said. "Speaking of, should I bring them in to eat?"

"Yeah, I will finish up here. Leave your book and I'll write down the rest of the steps."

Audrey nodded, leaving the house to gather the boys for dinner.

Audrey and Jackson came in to gather the plates and silverware to set the table.

Buck stepped up behind her, pulling her to his chest.

"Anything I can do?" he asked.

She glanced at him, frowning when she noted the mud covering his clothes. His hands were clean at least.

"What have you been up to?"

He smirked, "Nothing. It's a surprise."

"You smell like campfire."

He sighed. "Jackson and I made a firepit out in the yard with some rocks."

"Come on, dude. It was a surprise," Jackson whined.

Buck retrieved the drinks from the fridge, offering Jackson a beer.

"I bought this drink I think you'll like," Audrey said. "If you want to of course. It's low alcohol and blue raspberry. We could split one."

Mila glanced at Buck who nodded.

"Just let me try it first," she said, retrieving a glass.

It wasn't as repulsive as the lemonade. It was carbonated and sweet, and it was nice to be somewhat included in what everyone was doing.

Even still, Mila only took about half a glass, leaving majority to her friend.

"This is great," Jackson complimented as they ate.

"Thanks," Mila smiled. "I had great help. If I had known we were doing a fire, I would've bought marshmallows."

"We brought all of the s'more stuff," Jackson said.

Mila turned to Audrey. "You knew they were tearing up the yard?"

"I honestly never know what they are doing."

The girls giggled.

"Well, I made brownies," Mila said. "You'll have to take some with you if we're doing s'mores."

Buck stretched his arm acrossed the back her chair.

"We could use the brownies as the the graham cracker," Buck said.

"Oh my god. That would be the shit," Jackson moans, holding out his hand for a high five.

Buck looked a bit repulsed by the noise his friend just made, but gave him the high five anyway.

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