Chapter 5

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Dave was angry, angrier than he had been in a very long time.

Mila was resting after her test, enjoying the quiet house. She must have dozed off when the door to her room slammed open.

"Where's my dinner, bitch?" he snarled, yanking her up with her hair. He threw her off the bed and she crumbled into a ball helplessly.

"I'm sorry-"

He kicked her hard enough that she saw stars, landing on her back, her head hitting the wood floor on impact.

She hadn't seen him so angry in a long time.

"Sir the ceremony," she whimpered quietly. It was just a few days away, and that was not enough time for bruises to heal.

"You're stupid, just like mom," he said, leaning over the grip her hair again, forcing her to look at him. "Do you think you're going to get better than me?" He struck her face.

Her lip bled from the impact and he sneered in disgust, sending his foot her way again.

"You're stuck with me forever."


Mila was black and blue under her clothes at the ceremony. She sat next to Dave who was equally as tense as her.

Her scabbed lower lip was easily noticeable. She was told to tell anyone that questioned that she had simply fallen.

Everything ached. Her hands shook viciously and she clenched them so tightly that her nails dug into her palms.

The ceremony was also not required, but it was quite popular. If you prefered, you could just have your results sent to you. You didn't have to accept your match.

Dominants were informed immediately if they had a match, and were required to wait in a small room. The submissive's would be called out alphabetically and guided by a volunteer to their match. There were instances where the submissive wanted to wait instead, or if they were a switch. There were no set rules, just generally how it went.

Her brother didn't have a match which is why he had been so angry, and why he was with her.

She recognized some people she trained with, and even found Steph's bright hair.

She saw families. Moms and dads lovingly holding onto their children. Mila couldn't help but watch them longingly. She wished her mom was with her.

She swiped her palms on her black dress.

"Be still," her brother hissed and she did so immediately.

It felt like forever before the ceremony got started, and forever once more as names got called.

"Mila Renne Darcy," the announcer boomed.

The room was spinning. It couldn't be. She heard Dave suck in a deep gasp, and she stood shakily. He reached to grip her and she pulled away before he could grab her. The room was pin drop silent, and she was almost certain the thudding in her chest was audible.

With light, hesitant feet, she found the volunteer who was waiting patiently by the exit door.

"Mila Renne Darcy?" the volunteer asked for confirmation once they stepped out into the hallway. "Can you confirm all of this is correct?"

She was passed a sheet of paper with general information about herself. She skimmed through her birthday, her age, her parents names, everything to make sure it was really her.

She passed the paper back with a nod, unable to say anything. It felt like she had drank a glass of sand and she struggled to swallow.

She followed the volunteer up a massive staircase. Mila followed very slowly, stunned and sore. She was beyond terrified.

She was an object. She pushed back the thought and the tears it threatened to create.

They passed several black doors, the alphabet letters on them increasing the further they walked down. They stopped in front of 4T.

"Your match's name is Buck Taylor. He is twenty-four from Long River. He is a cattle ranch owner." The volunteer handed her a manilla folder with a smile. Mila could barely hang on to it. "He's waiting inside. There's a button on the door if you need me or if there are any issues. All rooms are monitored, and just remember, you are not required to do anything you do not want to. Good luck." She pushed the door open and Mila was forced inside.

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