Chapter 26

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The wheels of the quad got stuck in the mud several times along the path. Mila was covered in mud and soaked from the rain. The thunder was loud and violent, rattling the ground. Being under the trees was not where she wanted to be at all.

"Buck!" she screamed, scanning the tree line for his horse, anything. She was scared out of her mind.

Buck came stumbling out from the trees, a large gash on his forehead. The palms of his hands were all torn up.

"Buck," she cried, running to him. "What happened? Oh my gosh, you're hurt really bad. We need to get you help."

"What the hell are you doing out here?" he said, pulling her into his arms. She could feel him shaking. He glanced at the four wheeler. "Did you drive that thing?"

"Where's Dusty?" she asked. "Is he okay?"

They could hardly hear each other over the rain. She could feel Buck's grip loosening. She felt like she was holding him up.

"He spooked at the thunder and threw me off."

Mila cringed, wrapping her arm around him, and helping him up on the vehicle. They both barely fit. It wasn't meant for two people, but she was determined to get him home.

She couldn't get the image out of her mind. He was bloody and limping. He could've been killed. What was he thinking? He should've come back with Jackson. He knew it was supposed to rain.

They were bringing so much water into the house. Her boots sloshed and she left them on the porch to be dumped out later.

"Buck, we need to go to the hospital," she whimpered, bringing a rag to clean his wound.

He wanted to wave off her fussing. He was pissed off and cold, but then again, so was Mila.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm fine," he said, bending down so she could get the blood off his face.

"But you might have a concussion. Did you break something?" She reached for his hand and he cursed. It hurt like hell, but he could move everything. "Buck, please, let me take you."

"No, Mila. It's just a few cuts and bruises. Besides, you can't drive and there's no way I'd even consider letting you drive in this rain."

"I drove the quad," she said. "I could do it."

"I'm beyond thankful you came and got me," he said. "But don't ever come into a storm like that again. That was stupid."

She huffed, "You're being inconsiderate. I was worried sick. What was I supposed to do?"

A deep frown marred his features and she dropped the rag onto his lap.

"Take care of this yourself. I'm going to shower," she said.

It was the first time in her life that she could remember being angry. She didn't care how stupid she was being, she'd follow him into a tornado if she had to.

The cool air conditioning of the house froze her wet clothes to her skin and she shivered. There wasn't a single part of her that was dry, and her jeans were so muddy she was certain they would never be blue again.

She showered, eyes flashing to Buck bloody and wet, all alone. She imagined him falling, hitting his head hard enough to black out and she cringed. Nausea bloomed in her stomach and she fought back her lunch. He was the one being stupid. He could really be hurt.

She startled when she exited the shower, finding him on her bed. She gripped the towel tightly.

He had cleaned up, which she appreciated. She would've been even more upset if he had gotten her bed dirty, not that she ever slept in here anymore anyway.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

He stood to his towering height, the look on his face making her wish she had dropped the attitude, especially now that there was nothing but a towel between them.

"You're right," he said. "I was being inconsiderate. I hardly hit my head, just got smacked with a tree branch. I probably sprained my right hand when I landed on it. It's nothing I haven't done before. I'm sorry for making you upset."

She nodded. "I need to get dressed."

"No, you don't," Buck said.

Heat flooded her entire body. "What?"

"I'm still upset. You disregarded your own safety, and you were being disrespectful."

She bit her lip, feeling a familiar tension wind in her stomach. Maybe Audrey was right, maybe make up could be fun.

"You need to rest, Buck. Besides, it's not like you can spank me."

She really needed to learn how to keep her mouth shut.

He smirked and she squirmed. She was in for it.

"Maybe not tonight, but there are other ways I can punish you."

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