Chapter 4

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The Test of Promise was a multi-leveled aptitude exam that focused on several broader scales to get a supposed accurate insight on a person's behavior, thoughts and actions.

It worked really well for some. Honestly, Mila couldn't think of a time where someone had claimed that it didn't work out. It only seemed to be her family.

It took years to develop, and was tested thoroughly until it was perfected before it was brought to society.

The serum was injected into the arm and created alternate realities and choices that would compute data into a system, which would then in turn match you with someone of the opposing role with the exact results.

There was no requirement to take the test, or even accept your match, it just tended to be the norm. Now, Mila saw it as her only way out.

Her feet bounced anxiously in the plastic seat. She picked at her nails as her eyes moved from person to person. A lot of those in her age group had already tested once, and they buzzed and chattered excitedly.

It had to have been hours before it was her turn in the alphabet, and she had to move to the line down the hall.

This was different. People were single-filed and tense, unlike the waiting area.

She couldn't see where people exited, it was through another part of the building. That made her even more nervous. She tried to think of Dave when he took his test, but he usually just came home and drank.

The line creeped so slowly. She counted the seconds to give her something to do.

The room was bright when she finally entered, and she jumped a bit when the door clicked behind her.

The chair looked like a dentist chair, and there was a large computer set up in a corner.

"Have a seat, Mila," the lady smiled kindly. She had bright red hair and a sleeve of tattoos.

Mila sat, the paper crinkling, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm Steph, the volunteer administering your test. Go ahead and slide on that head piece."

Mila reached for the piece that slid on like a pair of headphones.

"Perfect. I'm sure you know how this works. I'm going to attach these little probes first, and then I will get you your serum so we can get started."

Steph attached the white stickers to her head. "There are four levels. Just relax, it doesn't hurt and it's really straight forward. I will be watching the whole time, so if anything goes wrong, I will be right here."

Mila nodded, doing her best to ease down her shoulders and take a deep breath.

Steph cleaned part of her inner arm, before inserting the very small needle filled with a clear liquid.

Mila squirmed in pain, squeezing her eyes shut with a gasp. She was falling, rushing towards the ground about to make contact with it before her eyes opened again.

The room was black. She called out, her voice bouncing in every direction.

There was a bright flash of light and she was sitting on a bench. It was like watching a movie, a couple taking a stroll in the park, holding hands. She could deny the fact that it was cute even if it was unrealistic.

She was told to go after them, so she took a running start.

"Wait," she yelled, but the park darkened and she was alone.

She was falling again, and this time she landed roughly onto her feet. She stumbled back, realizing she was on the edge of a cliff. It wasn't very high up, and the water below was a nice clear blue. She could hear the waves hitting the rocky edge, the smell of the water drifting in the wind.

"You have to jump," someone yelled from the bottom.

Jump? She didn't know what was down there or how deep it was.

"It's safe. I did it," the voice yelled again. There was no way. She walked to the edge, feeling the wind blow through her shirt. She couldn't.

She was forced down when a strong blow came and she screamed, flailing her arms and legs, prepping for cold water.

But it didn't happen.

"It's okay. It's okay. You're safe," the voice gently soothed.

Mila straightened, she was back to that black room again, but this was different. This was like a warm blanket and a gentle swaying motion. She believed the voice. She was safe.

Everything changed again. This room was red. She still felt that same warm presence and her heart pounded eagerly when she heard the crack of a whip. This wasn't like when her brother beat her with his belt.

She gasped, waking up in the medical room with Steph.

"You did a great job," Steph smiled, rolling her chair over to help get her free. She passed her a cool bottle of water. "Take a minute, and exit through that door when you are ready."

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