Chapter 22

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"I know this weekend didn't go exactly as planned," Buck said, bringing the last box into the house.

"I'm glad what happened, happened," Mila said, taking the final box of food into the kitchen to be unloaded. "I wouldn't have changed it either way. Just don't be mad at me again."

"I'm sorry." It was very childish and hypocritical to walk away when he was upset, but he hadn't ever been in a relationship, either, and all of his emotions had bubbled up into something he couldn't express. He would work at it.

She smiled, that sweet shiny one that he adored. They had both been floating on clouds lately, no barriers between them anymore.

She cuddled into his embrace, rubbing his back.

"Help me with the horses before we start dinner?" he asked. He had let Jackson go on home. He had put the poor couple through enough this weekend.

"Hi, Sugar," Mila cooed at the horse that snorted happily when she saw her. "You are looking good."

Mila gave her a thorough grooming, one that she normally did in the morning, but she wanted to make sure she was okay. She brushed her with both brushes, brushed her hair and tail, and picked her feet.

She changed her water and cleaned her stall.

"It's a nice night, no rain is supposed to come in, if you want to take her out to the pasture," Buck said. "She shouldn't need her blanket, either."

"Wow, did you hear that, Sugar? No jacket needed for tonight. That means it's almost summer," Mila said, putting on her halter.

Once her horse was outside, she swept the barn and fed her chicks who were not really chicks anymore. They were a few months old and living in their coop.

She headed to the house after that to start on dinner. She was hungry, and very tired. She would miss sharing a bed with Buck. She wondered if he would mind...

Buck followed her just a few minutes later, washing his hands and stepping behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What can I do?" he asked.

"Can you ground the meat while I finish the rice?"

He nodded, leaning down to give her a peck on the lips.

They worked together, making the process go fast enough that they were eating in no time.

She yawned, resting her head on her hands as she ate.

"You don't have to get everything unpacked on your own tomorrow. I can help in the evening."

She nodded.

"When I get back, I'll show you where you can put your garden, and you can start getting the ground ready."

"My garden?" she asked, heart fluttering. She couldn't believe he remembered.

He smiled, "Yeah, Darlin'. You still want one, right?"

She nodded eagerly, "That would be really cool."

"We also need to update our rules I think, add the ones we didn't before," he said with a smirk. Mila was beginning to recognize it as a special smile he reserved for when he was feeling devilish.

She felt heat crawl up her neck.

They cleaned up their mess, and she hesitated. Buck immediately turned towards her, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. She realized he was really beginning to sense her change in emotions.

"Do you think maybe I could sleep in your bed with you tonight?"'

His features relaxed and a he gave a gentle smile.

"Of course you can," he said. "Go get ready for bed. I'll finish here."

She hadn't really been in his room. Even if she was cleaning, it still felt too personal to disturb.

She changed in her room before heading over.

His bedroom was neat and cozy. It was a bit plain, but had some really updated features that some of the rest of the house didn't have.

She heard Buck come up the stairs.

He yawned loudly, "I'm going to change. Take whatever side you want."

He disappeared into the bathroom and she got in the side that didn't have things on the bedside table.

The sheets were so soft and they smelled like Buck. Comfort and safety settled over her as she sunk down, eyes immediately closing.

She opened her eyes when she felt the bed move. He flashed a smile.

She held her arms out like a baby and he chuckled, pulling her to his chest.

She threw her arm over his waist, easily falling asleep when he gently stroked her back.

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