chapter 18

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Almost two weeks later, and the camping trip was officially a go. Jackson had a good friend look after the animals while they went away. It was just for the weekend, but the weather was going to be nice. It was nearly May so the temperatures were perfect.

"That's the last of it," Mila told Buck who was sliding in the last tote box of food and supplies into the truck bed.

"Perfect. Got your boots and a hat? I got bugspray and sunscreen just in case."

"Yes," she said, holding up her shoes so he could see. "I'm all ready."

Buck and Jackson had decided not to do anything too crazy for the trip. They had reserved a spot in a large park an hour or so away.

The spot they reserved was pretty isolated still, and it had a lot of connecting trails.

Despite the hassle of having to leave his property in someone else's hands, he was excited to get away. And he was excited that Mila was excited.

"Audrey told me about this thing where you take a marshmallow and a piece of chocolate and sandwich it all together," she said, climbing into the passenger seat.

"It's called a s'more," he said.

She repeated the word, furrowing her brows. "Some more what?"

He chuckled, "I don't know. That's just what it is."

She accepted that. She couldn't wait to go and do something new.

The drive was pretty. She loved the outdoors, especially being on the ranch now. She really appreciated the fresh air and greenery.

Buck pulled up to their spot behind Jackson's truck. He had already unloaded and was attempting to pitch a tent.

"Looks like he needs help," Buck grumbled and Mila muffled her laugh.

"Hi!" Audrey cheered. "I'm so happy you guys made it."

"Come on, man. Don't you know how to put up a tent?" Buck quipped, snapping some of the poles together.

"Obviously I don't, asshole. I thought Audrey would help, but she's been so cute sitting in the shade eating snacks."

Audrey giggled, offering Mila a potato chip from her bag.

"Can I help?" Mila asked.

"You can get some stuff from the truck, if you want, darlin'. Chairs and our tent?"

She nodded, and Audrey followed.

"I set up our chairs over there in the clearing. That's where people looked to have fires before."

She nodded, reaching for the large bag with the tent first.

"I've never slept in the same bed as Buck. I mean I know it's not exactly a bed, but-" she admitted with a soft voice, eyeing the boys who weren't paying them any attention.

Audrey gave a gentle smile, "That's no big deal, Mila. You know he'd never do anything you didn't want."

"It's not that. It's just, what if I drool or something?"

"Aww," Audrey cooed. "You're a worrier, but you don't need to be. No one here is going anywhere." Audrey was sincere and so kind. Mila nodded, feeling much better about herself. She new she would have to talk to Buck, too. That was one of her rules after all, but it was nice to have someone else to confide in. She was very lucky.

"If you are really nervous, you and I could share, and we could make the boys team up."

Mila smiled, "I don't think they would make it through the night. Thank you for offering, but I want to do this."

Audrey nodded, and together they emptied the truck.

They set up the chairs before going around to find pieces of tree to burn.

"Don't go too far off the path," Buck warned, spraying her with bugspray. "Nothing green or wet will burn."

"Got it," she said. "Good luck with the tents."

He rolled his eyes, kissing her gently.

She and Audrey made a good team. They found several large branches that they had to carry together back to their spot. By the time the boys had finished up, they had quite the large pile.

"Come on, let's get a drink," Audrey said, guiding her to the coolers.

She and Jackson had brought drinks and snacks, while Mila and Buck had brought food for meals.

Jackson sighed, plopping on the picnic table. Audrey handed him a beer. Mila froze a bit at the sight of one, flashing back to a time that seemed so far from who she was today.

"I'm sorry. I should've thought this through," Jackson said, putting the pieces together when he thought back to the house he and Buck visited awhile back.

"No, no. I'm okay," she said, sitting next to Buck who immediately ran his hand along her back. She was okay, as long as Buck was with her. "It doesn't bother me."

Buck leaned down to kiss her cheek. "We'll talk later," he said, low in her ear.

"Mila, have you ever drank before?" Audrey asked curiously, kind of catching on from what she already knew. She also knew that the best way to overcome any fear was to face it head on.

Jackson gave her a low warning, but she was a spitfire. "I was only asking. I thought she might want to try my drink."

It was a hard lemonade, and she handed Mila an empty glass, gesturing to pour some in from her glass bottle.

She eyed it curiously, glancing up at Buck.

"Can I?"

He reached for the bottle, pouring the tiniest sip. "Only a little bit."

She blushed as she felt everyone's eyes on her. The smell wasn't as strong as whatever Dave use to drink. She hesitantly sipped it, immediately repulsed at the taste.

She handed the cup to Buck who easily finished it off. She squeezed her eyes shut, still feeling it in her throat.

"It's really sour, too. Gross," she said, giving a shiver.

Audrey was the first to laugh, and everyone soon followed. Mila relaxed a lot, feeling less excluded. She was glad she tried it no matter how repulsive. Oddly enough, it made her less afraid. She knew it was less about what was in the bottle that made Dave the way he was.

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