Chapter 24

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"Thanks for taking me," Mila said, climbing into Audrey's small car, so much different than the truck she was used to.

"Of course! This will be so fun. I don't ever really have anyone else. We should do this more often. We can get coffee, maybe hit up a store or two."

Mila smiled, relaxing at her friend's infectious positive energy.

"I'll pay you with fruits and veggies I hope to grow," Mila answered.

"Hell yeah," Audrey said. She drove way faster and crazier than Buck, but going out was fun.

Mila walked the plant nursery, picking out a variety of fruits, veggies and flowers. Even Audrey found a few things for her house. They decided to get a drink afterwards.

"That was just the cutest coffee shop," Audrey said, sliding her sunglasses on.

Mila smiled, sipping her drink. Today had been fun.

They walked a bit down the street before turning around, heading back towards the car.

Mila looked through the windows of all of the stores. The sun was bright, and the streets were busy on the lovely day.

"I need gas," Audrey said, pulling into a station. She popped her gas lid and got out.

"This card reader is screwed up. I'm going to have to go inside," Audrey said, poking her head in through the driver side window.

"I'll come with," Mila said, following her into the small convient store. Anxiety wound in her gut. She was on edge for some reason.

"Could I get thirty dollars on pump seven please?" Audrey asked as Mila looked around.

The bell on the door chimed and she stalled at the familiar face. He glanced at her, his expression remaining blank, as he headed to the back towards the coolers. She froze. Dave.

Audrey grabbed her hand, "Ready to go?"

Mila nodded, still haunted by the face that she had done so good to push out of her mind. Did he even recognize her? And then there was a dreaded nostalgic feeling. She missed him.

She made a noise, a half-sob, half-sick cough that she muffled with her hand.

Audrey didn't quite know what just happened, but she was good about putting the pieces together. She didn't push her friend to talk, just knew she had to get her home to Buck.

Buck and Jackson were sitting on the porch with a drink when they pulled up.

Buck immediately sensed something was wrong and he lept up, getting to her door just as she was getting out. She immediately went to his chest, allowing herself to cry tears that she had been holding back.

"It's okay. I've got you," he whispered, running his hand along her back to soothe her.

He glanced at Audrey questioningly.

"We saw someone when I was getting gas I think," she said, tucking into Jackson's side.

Mila pulled back, taking a few deep, calming breaths.

"Dave," she muttered.

Buck froze. "What? Did he say something or do something-"

"No, I don't even think he recognized me," she whispered.

He realized that in some way had hurt her. He dried her tears with his thumb.

She sniffled a bit, matching her breathing to the rise and fall of his chest. She turned around.

"I'm sorry-"

"Nonsense," Audrey said, pulling her in for a hug. "I had a great day with you. We should do it again, okay? Call me later."

Mila nodded, helping the boys unload all of the plants from the car. She waved to Audrey and then to Jackson who was following her in his truck.

She took a few hiccuping breaths as she followed Buck in the house.

He sat on the couch, pulling her so she straddled his waist. She tucked into his neck.

"I don't know why I'm so bothered. I was a little scared, but more than anything, he didn't recognize me," she said.

Buck pushed back his own feelings and emotions, trying to be sensitive to her. "He's your brother over everything."

"He's the only family I have left. I didn't expect to miss him."

He felt tears soak his shirt and he sighed. He hated when she was upset.

"I don't ever want to see or talk to him again," she continued, sniffling pitifully.

"Do you want to write a letter? Get whatever you are feeling off your chest?"

She mulled over the thought before nodding.

"No more tears, okay? Today was supposed to be fun. I saw a lot of plants out there."

He felt her smile and he relaxed.

She stayed hidden. "I keep screwing up with Audrey. I don't know how to be a friend."

He pulled a blanket from behind him, wrapping her up tightly.

"She understands more than you think. If you're worried, just give her a call."

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