Chapter 13

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Mila was doing well with having some structure. It eased her to know what was expected of her, and she felt really light, like she was living on a cloud.

She was folding laundry when Buck entered the house. He was surprised at how much his girl had flourished under a little bit of structure and guidance.

"Hey, you're back early," she said, standing up to greet him, immediately going in for a hug.

"I thought we could go out for dinner tonight. Jackson and Audrey have reservations at a new steakhouse in town, only if you want to."

She had yet to meet Buck's best friend, and this would be a good way to do so without them having to come in her space just yet, so she agreed.

"We'll have to leave in about an hour, if that's okay," he said, heading to the stairs. She trailed behind him.

"Pick something out for me to wear?" she asked so sweetly that Buck couldn't deny the giddiness it made him feel.

"I don't think I'd be any good at that, Darlin'," he chuckled, and she gave a laugh too.

"That's okay. I can make adjustments," she said, leading him into her room. He glanced at her space. It wasn't too often he was in here. He had been checking in lately to make sure she was doing as promised, keeping clean and making her bed, but he never fully came inside.

He went to her closet and she sat on the edge of her bed, folding her legs.

He realized she was in desperate need of some clothes, most were threadbare or old clothes of Audrey's. Even then, she only had a few things. One pair of jeans, and three or four tops. One of the tops was a dressier blouse that was soft and floral-y.

"I have leggings in the drawer," she added with a smile seeing as he was a bit stumped.

He liked the task. It made him feel in control.

He handed her the top, and she thanked him.

"Let's go after dinner and get you a few more things. I've been wanting to get you a pair of boots that'll keep your feet clean and dry while you're outside anyhow."

She opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it and nodded.

"Tell me what you were thinking," he encouraged, sitting beside of her.

"I don't want you spending money on me," she whispered, looking down at her fingers.

He lifted her chin. "Why?"

He knew what she was going to say, and he was curious to know if she was going to admit it, but she shrugged.

"I'll let it go for now, but this is your warning. You have to tell me if something I say or do bothers you, otherwise this won't work. Do you understand?"

"I understand," she said.

He leaned down, capturing her lips. She pushed back, gripping the front of his shirt.


"You must be the infamous Mila. I'm Jackson." Jackson grinned. "This is Audrey."

Mila gave a weak smile, before offering a soft hello.

Audrey was a pretty blonde with blue eyes. She wore bright lipstick and was striking, confident even. It made Mila cower a bit.

Buck pulled out her chair, before taking his own seat, but scooting close enough that their legs were touching. Mila was sitting across from Audrey.

"I'm glad you all could join us. I've heard they have great steak."

"Who would've thought they'd have great steak at a steakhouse," Buck rolled his eyes.

Mila was very overwhelmed. The restaurant was noisy and the menu was large. She didn't know what she was doing.

Buck took her hand. "Take a deep breath," he murmured, leaning close so she could hear. "It's okay. I'm right here. You can do this."

She could do this. She glanced back up at Audrey.

"Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes," she said, relaxing even more when Buck's thumb drew soothing circles on the back of her hand.

"Of course," Audrey gave a beaming smile. "I was happy to help."

Mila fidgeted with the menu. "They were very soft," she added meekly, unsure of how to keep the conversation going.

"Soft is the only thing I wear," she said. "Feel this." Audrey extended her arm so Mila could feel the sleeve of her top. It was buttery soft.


"I know. I got it from one of the boutiques here in town. We should go. They have great sales."

Buck stopped his cow conversation to join in. "I was just saying we should go somewhere and get you a few things."

Jackson scoffed, "Like your ass has any clue about shopping. I'm pretty sure you've had that same flannel since middle school."

The ice seemed to have broken, and Buck sputtered some kind of retaliation.

"It's still early. Maybe if we finish here before they close, we could go. Please?" Audrey asked Jackson.

"I don't care as long as Buck doesn't," Jackson answered. "She will make our wallets hurt, though."

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