Chapter 37: Tiny bit of Luck

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"Save it, Shield gave me an entire lecture" I out my hand up.

"Anyway" Hawkeye said

"I got you this." He handed me a big box. "Top that Tony" he said.

Thor laughed and he laughed for a while. "You wrap presents so they could he hidden, but I have the greatest of all" He took off his helmet. My eyes widened.

He placed it on my head. "Don't you need this?" I asked.

"No child I have another inside, and many more on Asguard"

"I give you the gift of not pummeling you" Hulk said.

"I gladly appreciate that" I said. "Thanks guys"

"Now open Hawkeyes's present" Tony yelled.

"Open Tony's!" Hawkeye shouted.

"Did you bet on who would get the best present? " I asked opening both

"Maybe" They replied. "This reads... Off road shoe slips. and high tech googles?" I looked at them.

"You stole that from my lab" Tony yelled.

"Haha yep" Hawkeye folded his arms.

"I'll have to give this one to Tony" I said, calibrating my new googles,

I peered over at Sam and Danny, while putting my new traction shoes and googles into my bag in my hand. "What are you to talking about?" I ask.

"You'll see" Nova replied. Why am I frightened for my life?.

I sat patiently in a Shield owned jet waiting for us to land. Sam planned for us to head to some place tropical. We turned off most communicators and the gps for the ship. Now Fury can't bother us.

"And, how exactly did you find this place?" Peter asked me

"Sam is suprising me for my birthday. Ask him. Maybe he just wants to see me in a bathing suit" I said.

"Yes, I only got this trip to see you in a swim suit, yeah sure" Sam said sarcastically. "I'm not like that."

Peter laughed "That kiss says otherwise."

"Let's not mention that...." I said.

"In 30 minutes we will reach" Danny said.

"We'll go and change" Ava grabbed my arm.

"Wait wait" I said. I was already pulled away. "I didn't need to change" I folded my arms.  "Im already in my suit."

"I know that. I want to know about that kiss, what was Peter talking about"

"Oh my god" I showed the video of the televised episode and explained everything. From the morning to Fury's puberty class.

"A puberty class?" She was on the verge of laughter. "You got taught lesson, but you told off Fury? Are... You and Sam a thing now?"

"I think. Maybe? This is this first time I've experienced this."

"We're here!" Luke said.

I pulled off my dress and went out side after everyone. I put on my sunshades, and tied up my hair.

I put beach towels down and laid down next to Ava as we supervised the kids.

"Come on! It won't be as fun with out you two" Danny said.

"We are good" Ava said. Sam picked me up and threw me into the water. I coughed and chased after him.

"You bastard!" I hissed. I tackled him into the sand.  He started laughing.

"Hey!" A kid smiled. I looked up at the kid. Sam pushed me off from him and we both got up.

"Hey?" I asked.

"You all should play with me"

I looked at Peter. "Do other people live here?"

"I don't know ask Sam. He picked the place."

"It's just me and my brother. My name is Sandy" the kid smiled.

"What do you want to play?" I asked walking over. He held a ball and served it.

I passed it back as we both played happily.  I hit it way to hard.

"I'll get it" I smiled.

"No allow me!" Sandy said.

A few minutes later an older man was smiled at me. "Thank you for playing with Sandy. My name is Flint by the way."

"No problem" I smiled.

"We hope you could stay forever"

"Oh I can't..." I said.

"What?" Sandy came back heart broken.

"Listen Sandy. I have to go eventually. Staying here forever with make the people back hom miss me...."

"NO!" Sandy screamed throwing the ball at my face.

I cursed and rubbed the sand out of my eyes. "Brat" I mumbled.

"You WILL stay!" The ship was suddenly covered in sand and sunk.


"Nice job Riley" Peter folded his arms. I looked at him in disbelief.

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