𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

Start from the beginning

"No, I can't. I have to make it up to Technoblade. And the rest of them, really." Venus thought of how she hadn't seen Tubbo once since the throne room. "I haven't seen Tubbo at all... I think I'll go looking for him." She frowned and looked around.

"I'll help." Sapnap offered, splitting off for a while as Venus roamed the many halls and rooms. After some time searching, she heard Sapnap talking to another boy, the same voice which went with Tubbo's face, so she rushed over quickly, seeing the 14 year old get pushed along like a prisoner by the 20 year old guard. "Found him! He was in the library." Sapnap cheered.

"Goodness, don't hold him like that." Venus hissed and pulled Tubbo away. "He's a guest." She reminded the knight, who bowed in an apology half-heartedly. "Come Tubbo, let's get you some food." Venus ushered him gently as Sapnap followed, and they arrived at her own banqueting hall, which was already lightly set out for anyone who arrived earlier than expected. Platters of cold foods were laid out across the table, it seemed Venus's father expected the emperor and his profound family to stay. "Would you like anything warm? They're just in the kitchen; staying heated so that you don't have lukewarm food." Venus explained.

"Eggs?" Tubbo asked while pulling some bread and butter. "Do you guys have anything that's special to your kingdom?"

"Tarts and crepes. Would you like me to get some?" Venus asked politely, more proactive as a host than as a guest.

"Oh!~ Those sound nice!" Sapnap sang and sat down.

"I'll get some, I can get tea as well." Venus added and began walking away.

"No tea! I don't like tea!" Tubbo called. Venus waved a hand behind her while hurriedly going into the kitchen. Only one chef was awake.

Both Venus and the chef, a young boy with brown, curled hair, brown eyes, olive skin and wearing goggles, spoke as she began filling a tray with platters of eggs, crepes, a variety of tarts and powdered sugar to go above the sweet breakfast items. She returned with the tray and served the two before leaving the room. She wasn't allowed to eat after all. There were other things for her to do anyway. Sneaking back into her room, she had the measurements for Technoblade on her study, she was ready to toss them away, but it would be better to get clothes which fit him. She hurriedly left the castle with a basket, Sapnap and Tubbo (who decided to come along) to a tailor's.

Sapnap was reading over the man's measurements and scoffing, envious of his toned physique. No wonder women fell for him. Sapnap acknowledged how Venus wasn't the same, her face falling slightly at the mention of him. He wondered why she hated him so much, they would have gotten along - their personalities were so similar yet so opposed, a fiery mix. Maybe also added to the fact that Sapnap thought that Venus was fitting for an empress. She had that dominant, authoritative tone, as well as a level-headed, intelligent mindset. She wasn't driven by emotion, keeping it point-blanc when she should have otherwise been emotional. Maybe she should have been jumping with joy, maybe rampant with rage, maybe sobbing in sorrow. The best she could do was a scowl, or a small smile. The little things that made it worth being by her. Venus took the paper and offered it to the clerk, who looked over it and nodded.

"Ah... right. We haven't gotten any arm lengths nor leg lengths dear." The clerk pointed at the list to show the absence.

"He's 6'3, arm length of 37.5" and a leg length of 68"" Tubbo chirped, writing it down. The clerk nodded and left to look for a fitting size.

"Lord, his legs are long." Sapnap hissed in distaste as Tubbo nodded.

"Never let him chase you, he'll cover three of your steps in a stride." Tubbo shuddered.

"Wait, how do you know?" Sapnap asked.

As the boys spoke, Venus looked at the fabrics hanging from the shelves. Cold blue, like the soldier's uniform of the Antarctic Empire. It was a stunning colour, mixed with purple, it would make a great dress. There was also a nice, peony pink, which seemed to be screaming for the girl. It would have looked stunning with some silver, maybe grey sequins. She could imagine the simple beauty it would have been. Maybe another time, would she make it. The clerk returned with a red shirt white pants. He added the blazer free of charge because Venus was an Erotes. The clerk bagged it in its hanger and handed it over to the princess, who folded it gently and placed it in her basket. Tubbo offered to carry it but Venus refused, paying the hard working man and leaving with her two escorts. They both spoke and waited outside for Venus as she returned into the castle, her father walking past to the dining hall for food at an hour before noon.

"Where have you been, young lady?" Her father didn't offer to pivot and face her, but neither did she.

"Getting clothes for Technoblade, father." She responded quietly.

"Good. Now don't get ahead of yourself again like you did last night. The last thing we need from you is to pull us into a war with that warlord. I take pride in wearing these colours and not being a part of his Empire. Let's not change that to the likes of yourself: Venus." He lectured and scowled as he walked off. It left a sick feeling in her stomach hearing that from her father. It was like he had forgotten that he was supposed to be on good terms with them; not under their wing but partners had there been a war worth the Erotes joining. He spoke as though the neighbouring kingdom was not under Technoblade's control. It made her feel nauseous.

She continued to walk down the hall, up the stairs, and towards her room when Cecilla along with Allegra strode past. Allegra ignored Venus, though that wasn't much of a surprise, and Cecilla looked at the basket. She began, "what's in the basket?"

"Clothes for Technoblade." Venus responded, beginning to walk away.

"Oh let me take it! I need to earn more points with him." Cecilla snatched the basket and rushed toward his room. "Third door from the left edge of the central block right?" She called.

"Yeah!" Venus called back, turning on her heel and meeting with Tubbo and Sapnap once more, who were just kicking at rocks while waiting for her to return.

As a duo, Sapnap and Venus decided to show Tubbo around a picturesque place close to the castle. It wasn't a secret, but not many people visited, so knowing about it was like a one-up. That concept reminded Venus of the large tunnel Technoblade showed her - yet the memory was tranquilised.

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