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After that day Perri and I got rid of our leases in our apartments, I finally got me a truck again after the accident, we brought an apartment in Seattle which I may add is very expensive, and we now have a cat.

Perri has opened another Pallet Furniture store in Washington State, letting his assistant Joanna take over the one in Georgia. Johnny was soon forgotten as news spread about him stealing money from his father's business.

I opened up a freelance digital academy for young children and adults. I still take on orders, but I decided to let myself have a break and teach others this talent since not many people know how to do it.

Every month as I said we go to therapy, and this therapist is the kind where we do activities instead of talking, just last month we were painting together, and this month we are supposed to be preparing snacks together instead of separately. Sounds boring, but I promise it's not.

Life was seeming good, beside the part where my parents still disapprove of Perri, and will not see him again even for the sake of me, but always remind me that they always have bed open for me. Unlike them Perri's dad, Dom, has loved our relationship. He always zoom chat with us or sometimes he would fly out to Washington State and spend some times with us.

Currently I was sitting in my car waiting for Perri to get to the parking garage so that we could go to therapy together. And soon comes his black truck. I walk out and went around my truck and saw him putting something into his pocket.

"What you got there mister?"

"Nothing, let's go."

"We promised. No secrets."

"It's more of an surprise than a secret."


"Would it make you feel better if our therapist, my dad, a couple of our friends, and our doorman knew what was in the box?"

This intrigued me very much so, so I nodded my head and we continued to the therapist office. We were conversing while preparing the snack which I had to learn that I couldn't control the board to my liking.

We ended the session and we both got into our trucks an drove home, but it seems that Perri was trying to bet me there. Due to his fast driving and almost running a red light, I had to beep my horn at him a couple of times due to that.

He made it into the parking garage before me and I could see him already getting into the elevator from my car. I got out and locked it while walking to the elevator. Maybe he had to take some shit or something.

I finally get to our floor and see that our door is opened, maybe my first assumption was true.

"Perri if you had to take a shit you could have stayed at the office and did so, then maybe-"

I walked into the apartment seeing Perri on his knees holding a ring in his hand.

"I wanted this to be perfect and I want to make sure you felt all the emotions of getting engaged again. So I ask you my beloved Tart will you give me another chance and marry me?"

"Of course I will stupid!"

I jumped onto him and realized that there were people in the room with us. I turned to see our neighbors, friends, even Dom was here. I was crying in Perri's lap looking at the ring which was different.

"Where did this come from?"

"I didn't want you to have some shabby rings, I wanted the best and redo over."

I stared at the ring and loved it all. Now we can start taking more steps into our relationship.

"I love you Perri."

'I love you Christan Jay."

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