CH 21

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Perri and I stayed up all last night laughing our asses off, I really hope my neighbors were annoyed.

"Ugh! So let me get this straight, you went to Jeju Island and there happened to be a MMA fight of little people? I don't believe you."

"But it did happen! I promise you if I still had my phone from South Korea I would play the video. Them people were swinging like their life depended on it!" I bust out laughing again, I couldn't take this any more.

We finally stopped laughing and was staring at the tv that was long forgotten. I was catching my breath when Perri spoke up.

"Wow is it really six in the morning? How long have we been sitting here for tart?"

I didn't say anything when he called me by my pet name, so I turned my head and smiled at him.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

He was wiping his face and touching his shirt and hair to see if anything was on him, but nothing was, and I turned my head back to the tv.


"Yes Plum?"

"Wanna come to my place tomorrow...well today for another catch up?"

"I would like that very much."

"Good, now......get me my damn keys..."

I again started to laugh, oh my goodness I can't believe I still had his keys, so I went to the flower pot and dug the keys out, and walked back to the couch to hand them to him.

"Really? Fucking flower pot?"

"Hey you were knocking on the door and I was already trying to hide them before you came back and the pot seemed like a good idea." I said, smiling at him.

"Well next time I'm going to remember this, and your evil flower pot."

"Oh no, please don't hurt Miss Pot!" While laughing.

Perri finally stood up and went to put his shoes back onto his feet and walked to the front door. He stood there for a while and turned to face me, "Hey tart?"


"I really did miss you, and your laugh, your smile, and just seeing you."

"Well me too on everything you said....It's nice to have you back home."

Perri left after that and I went to lock my door. Since it was six twenty now in the morning I brewed some green tea while I went to take a shower, since there is no way I'm going to start work all dirty and with no caffeine.

Soon I was out the shower with a tank top on me and running shorts and socks on my feet. I started to make me some grits and eggs, with a biscuit and soon was eating my breakfast with green tea looking out to the sunrise. It was beautiful today. Yet another day is another project for me, soon I was off to the corner of my living room taking paint lids off and deciding what I truly wanted for this poster.

Currently I was making a poster for a new restaurant that had opened not too long ago, and their sign had fallen down so while a new one was being built they needed something to show people what place they were at.

I was tapping up some designs that I didn't want paint to get on when my front door was knocked on, so I got up carefully and walked to my door.

"Who is it?" I asked standing in front of my door, yet there were no answers so I looked through the peephole and saw the three musketeers standing there. I opened the door and looked at them all staring at me.

"How can I help you three mighty men?"

"Opened the damn door so we could talk." My dad demanded so I opened the door and they all walked in, with mainly my dad and Dom searching around my place as if Perri was still here.

"I'm working so if you could hurry this process up I would kindly appreciate it." I said, cocking my head.

"Well how about you tell us what the hell is going on with you and my son?"

"Nothing, but you threatened him to tell me that he was here, but then my parents came here yesterday telling me that Perri was here and to stay away."

"Please stop getting smart mouthed. We just want to protect you!"

"And how many darn times do I have to tell you that I'm twenty four years old. I am a grown man that has a job, his own place, and my own life. You don't want to see me get hurt then you shouldn't have  given birth to me, but unfortunately you did. So if this is over with, like I said I have work and mom your dress is in my paint." I stated.

My mom moved away and saw that it was indeed paint on her dress.

"Fine, we're done trying to help you. You want to be a big boy, go ahead, but don't come to my house at seven in the morning crying like the day he finally let you out his grasp." My father left after that and so did my mom. Only Dom stayed for a while and looked at me.

"Is he doing okay?"

"I'm not going to answer that. Why don't you go find your son and ask him, and start being a father to him. I know before you were really looking out for me and I thank you, but that's your son, you should've had his back through right and wrong and make sure he's okay."

After I said what I had to say Dom left from my apartment and I went to lock my front door and continue to create my project I'm working on.

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