CH 41

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I woke up to seeing Perri right beside me. I lightly touched his face and decided to get up and take a shower. Since Perri and I fell asleep right after the girl had left last night.

I got out of the shower and went to the kitchen with only a towel on my waist and decided to order some breakfast from McDonald's and clean a little bit. I went back upstairs and found a robe and decided to put it on and walk downstairs. I turned the sink water on to start the soap water to wash previous days dishes, and put up the dishes that was in the dish rack. I put a candle on the counter and light it up so that the house won't smell to much of cleaning supplies, but just enough. Dishes have been washed, counters and table cleaned off, floors swept and moped, and now the windows in Perri's loft clean and sparkle. I would like to say I did a good job.

I got a call from my phone saying that I had an order at the front desk. With the robe still on I grab my keys and walk to the elevator downstairs. Just as the doors opened I could already see the landlord looking towards the elevators as if he was waiting for me.

"Thanks sir." I said taking the bags in one hand.

"You must be....." I looked at him and noticed that he wanted me to introduce myself.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Christan Jay, but I like CJ better." I said to him.

"Ohh so you must be my tenet ex-husband. Listen I don't want trouble, so who ever you're seeing in my apartments take it somewhere else."

"Uh, no. Sir I'm seeing Perri. I just came from his apartment."

"Oh! Well nice to know you. Sorry it's just this situation has happen to me at least five times in a month."

I didn't know what to say to that so I just nodded my head and walk away. Once the elevator doors close I breathe out a sign of release, because the entire conversation was just all kinds of weird.

I open the loft's door and put the food bags on the kitchen table, and walk upstairs where I can still see Perri sleeping. I go up to him and pull the covers off of him while slapping his arm to wake up.

"What?...What CJ?.."

"Wake up and come eat."

"I don't smell nothing....."

"Because it's all from McDonalds. Come on, wake up!"

With that Perri sat up and put on his slippers and came to the kitchen with me.

"You cleaned? And lit a candle?"

"Yup all while you were sleeping like a bear in hibernation." I laughed a little and set our food out. We both having hotcakes with sausage.

It's just I had order two more hashbrowns, and two McGriddles. We are some hungry men, especially me.

We casually munched on our food trying to wake ourselves, and I look to him and smile when I saw that he had syrup all over himself.


"Yeah." He replied.

"Are you still a little kid or something, because I thought grown man knew how to put all of their food into their mouths." I said while laughing. Which in turn he did as well whipping his face from all the sticky substance and any other crumbs left.

I couldn't help but to admire him. Together for so long now look at us. I honestly didn't think nor believe I would still want him in my life, but I'm seeing that we were made for each other.


"Dang more food on my face."


He looked up this time to see my face, and I took a breathe.

"Remember in Florida when you asked if I would ever marry you again?"


"Ask me again...."

He looked at me stunned and didn't know what to say. With silverware still in his hands he put them down and looked me in the face,

"CJ would you ever marry me again after everything we've been through?"

"Of course."

He smiled and so did I, Perri got out of his chair and walked towards me and hugged me.

I think life will be good again. Probably therapy every month to make sure we are good, going out more, taking vacations! I don't know what will happen in the future, but I truly want to be in Perri's arms when we do.

"Let's move." I proposed.

"Washington State?" Perri suggested.

"Wherever, but not this bipolar weather state." We laughed together holding each other and sat together on the couch watching the sunset. Nothing to do but soak in the love and warmth.

"I love you Plum."

"I love you Tart."


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