CH 12

91 6 1

I was over at Chae-Won's house making homemade kimchi when the mailman came.

"Oh look, the mailman is here, were you expecting any package?"

"Yeah I'll be right back auntie."

I took off my glove and head to the mailman that was waiting at my door.

"Hi package for Perri Ore right?"

"Uh yes, are you Mr. Ore?"

"Yes, thank you."

I took the package and put up a sign to signal my neighbor to wait a moment.

I opened the package and there was the confirmation divorce papers and I sign where my signature needed to be. Luckily I had already brought a package stamp and relabel the package and put the package in the mailbox.

I walked back to Chae-Won's house, and reapplied the gloves to my hands and continued to make the kimchi.

"So what did you order?"

I didn't want to lie, so I told her the truth.

"I didn't it was actually divorce paper, from the courthouse I used to live near in America."


"Yeah, But I just put them back into the mailbox after signing them."

We really didn't talk much after that and continued making kimchi. By the time my appointment was to begin. I took the seven kimchi boxes I made and said goodbye. Soon I was out of my house and riding my way to my appointment.

Soon when I made it to the building I chained my bike and went up the seventh floor.

After my appointment I left with tears in my eyes, and feeling gloomy. I rode my bike to the supermarket since i was in the need of meat, and trailed it back home. I brought a laptop to find a place to stay since the flip phone I have was limiting its duties. Soon I found an apartments in the city and decided to buy it. Luckily all I had to move was my clothes, food, and bicycle. All the furniture belonged to the owner of the house.

It was late but I walked over to Chae-Won house and knocked gently.

"Oh what are you doing over here so late. Don't tell me you ate all the kimchi we made?"

"No auntie, I just came over here to say I will be moving tomorrow, but because I'm moving doesn't mean I'm not going to come over and visit." I said while smiling.

"You better come visit me. I don't have a husband nor kids. I would like to think of you as my son."

"You can always and you have my phone number."

I crunched down a little to give her a hug and walked back to the house and started to pack everything, but freezer food in my suitcase and trash bags.

I took a shower and headed to bed, but before I could close my eyes my phone ranged and I saw the number CJ called me on. Right now it is eleven o'clock pm so it should be twelve pm since there is a thirteen hour difference.

I picked it up, but heard nothing on the other line, just soft breathing.

I was content with it so I plug my phone up and listened to him softly breathing.

It felt good hearing him, and soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to hearing my doorbell going off until I got up and opened the door and there was Chae-Won holding her car keys in my face.

"Come on boy, if you have to move you start early, so start packing everything in my car."

And walked her short self in the house helping me pack everything.

I told her the address, and she started to go off about how it was nice, but in a dangerous area. I understood her point of view, but I couldn't stay in that person's house forever.

We made it and unpack everything, until Chae-Won left, but came back twenty minutes later with fresh groceries. I was glad to have such a person in my life, and I hope I can keep her in my life.


I tried calling Perri since the day I came home. My dad was acting suspicious since that day and then my mom was too. I didn't know what was happening until I went to the courthouse to sign the confirmation of divorce when Perri said he that he wasn't even in America.

I couldn't believe it. Where could he have gone. Probably on vacation with Johnny, I thought, but I saw Johnny at a banquet, but when I confirmed with the judge he said that Perri was still where he was, and the judge wasn't telling me anything.

I was sitting at the breakfast counter when I decided I couldn't take it. Perri may have hurted me to the extreme extinct, but I needed to hear his voice, so I used the number from the judge's phone when he wasn't looking and called the number again.

When the phone rang and was accepted he didn't say anything and neither did I. We both just breathed slowly and softly.

I didn't want to end the call until my dad came inside from the gym with Dom.

I hung the phone up and turned to the men.

"Hey you both, was the gym good?"

"Yes, much better having a spare partner."

Both men laughed and went to the refrigerator for water while I stood up and said I was leaving. As soon as I got into my car I didn't know where I would go, but I just drove.

I headed to a restaurant and decided to sit there and have me a good ole chicken sandwich, that was until Johnny came in, but it looked like he was searching for someone, until he landed his eyes on me and came towards me.

No! No! No! Please we haven't talk yet please let today not be the day, but my prayers didn't get answered.

"Are you Perri's husband?"


"Please don't lie, I saw you in the window that night."

"And that same morning we divorced each other. So no Perri is not my husband."

"Oh I'm sorry...Could you give him this then at least. It was his things he left at my place, his address is on the package, since he moved. Had a hard time with my PI to find him, but finally did. Here is his stuff, and again I'm sorry."

He left the restaurant and there was in my face not my previous prayer, but a prayer I've been asking for. Perri's location. I turned it around and saw on the white note that it said South Korea.

South Korea!

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