CH 37

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I left the office making sure that both Darren and Joanna knew that I would still answer my phone, but not for everything little thing. As soon as I opened my loft door I saw CJ with three suitcases already on the floor, and he was packing a carry on bag full of his medicine.

"Ready?" I asked smiling.

"Yup! Just need to pack up my medicine and get our passports. After that we can go." CJ stood up and was about to leave until I decided to tell him about Johnny.

He paused and turned around to face me.

"I made sure that if he ever came to the office that Joanna was there as well, so if you want to know anything or think I'm not telling you everything since she doesn't like me." I stood where I was until CJ did something or say something.

"You won't cheat on me again? Will you?" CJ asked with his back still turned.

"Never. Never again will I hurt you again."

CJ turned around and I could see his glassy eyes and red nose. He rubbed his arms with both hands and looked around, but never at me.

"You promise?"

"I promise that we are going to make this work and I will never be such a dumbass again ever." I said grabbing his hands and rubbing them gently.

"Okay. Just don't....Just don't leave me...okay?"


We hugged for a good twenty minutes until CJ got a vibration from his phone on the kitchen counter. CJ turned in my arms and grabbed his phone. I didn't look what was on his phone, but instead was swaying us both to nonexistence music.

CJ tapped me on my chest and I looked down to him to see his phone, but he was on a phone call with his dad.

"Dad I'm leaving America for a while like a mini vacation. I truly don't understand why I need to meet up with you and mom."

"We want to see you. It's been months since we last saw each others faces."

"And who are we to blame?"

"Perri. That's who."

"Don't. Just don't bring in someone who is trying to fix his relationship with me. All you and mom have been doing is just trying to get him out of my life which is not helping me. I will call you back some time later." CJ was about to end the call until his dad spoke up.

"Why can't you see that we are trying to protect you? Huh? We are not trying to do anything mean to you, we aren't trying to helicopter you."

CJ stayed silent for a while and signed softly looking towards me. I stared at him as well, but I don't know if he wants me to put my two cents into the conversation.

"Dad...thank you for protecting me, but I'm a grown man. If I want to work things out with Perri and rekindle our relationship then I can. You nor mom know the full story of which I've just found out, so you can stop protecting me. As I said I'm leaving the country tomorrow, see you when I get back."

CJ hung the phone up and put it back onto the counter. I hadn't let go of him since, and we stay in the position we've been in.

"Our clothes, necessities, and medicine are packed. Ready to go?"

"As long as you are are alright right?" I asked caressing his check.

"Yes. Yes I am. Let's go!"

I gathered the bags and gave CJ the keys to my truck so that he could bring it closer to the elevator when I come down. I made sure everything was secure and that my phone charger wasn't still in the room. After that I locked my door behind me, and dialed my landman to inform him of my travels in case packages and mail come to me. By the time I get to the parking garage I see my truck already in front of me and started loading the trunk up.

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