CH 19

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I open the door wider for Perri to come in and soon we both we in the semi warm apartment. I went to the kitchen and took out the groceries from my wagon and putted them in the kitchen counter. Perri just stood by the door.

"I have a couch for a reason." I said to Perri, and I think that's when Perri got the idea that he could sit down.

"Sorry it's been a while since I last saw you."

"Yeah same here, uh would you like something to drink?"

"No", and then he stands back up, "I honestly only came here to tell you that I'm back in the states. I really didn't want anyone to know I was back, but my dad found out first, and I thought if he told you first that I was here you would have came tracking me down. I'm going to go now, but I wish you the happiest."

Perri was about to leave. Again. I can't let that happen we just saw each other, and before he could open the door I fell on purpose, and screamed in pain.

"CJ! CJ! What's wrong are you okay?"

"Uhhh! My knees they hurt. Uhh!"

"Pills... Where are your pills?"

I pointed to my bedroom and he went rushing. I don't know what exactly he was doing, but he took a while. Yet he came back rushing to me now with my medicine, and making me a glass of water.

"Are you okay? Feel better?"

"Kind of."

Perri stared at me for a while, and then he looked away.


"Nothing.....I'm going to go."

"Wait! What? Stay at least until I feel better please. Plus I want to catch up, and know what you've been doing." I couldn't have sounded any more desperate, but I was at this moment.

"CJ...honestly I have changed and if I stay for one more second this changed me will go back to the one you used to know. Bye tart."

He left my apartment, and I got up from the floor since I was truly okay and walked into my room, I didn't see anything unusual, so why did he take a while to get my pills. I was about to leave my room when I saw my wedding rings in its box on the floor. Maybe CJ saw this and thought I was done with him.

Ugh I hate when there is miscommunication, it makes everyone life harder than it has to be. I walked to my kitchen and started to put the groceries away when I bent down and saw that Perri dropped his keys.

Tart one Plum zero. Soon he will be back and when he does I'm going to pretend I don't know where these things are.

As I was about to hid them there was a knock on my door, and soon Perri voice came form behind it. Shit! Where to hide? Where to hide? Then there was another knock and I went to my flower pot and stuck his keys in there.

I opened the door and tried to look neutral, "I thought you had to leave?"

"I will as soon as I get my keys."

"Keys you had them with you."

"If I had them I wouldn't have came back up here....."

Kind of hurted, but I opened my door a little wider and closed it when he entered, and went back which is probably the third or fourth time unpacking my groceries. He looked under my couch behind the island, all around the floor, and gave a big huff.

"What can't find them?"



"I know you have my keys you used to do this when I had to go to class, but I would always come back looking for my bike lock keys. So where are they?"

I wanted to smile at that time, and decided to and then laugh a little.

"CJ, please where are my keys?"

"Hungry? As you can tell I just bought groceries."

"No CJ..."

"Not even a red plum for a plum" I said while washing it off and holding it out to him. No matter what, this man loved plums with his life. He would probably choose to be reborn as a plum when he died if he could.

He looked at the plum then my face then the plum again, and signed loudly before taking the plum out my hand, but he stopped and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Usually it takes about an hour for your pain to go away......"



I busted out laughing. I couldn't take the silence and it was funny how Perri was looking at me.

"So you lied, took my keys, bribe me with a plum, now what?"

"Now we can have dinner and talk for a while. Because you know we haven't seen each other in seven months."

"I left because we both knew I turned into something else, and neither me nor you liked it. I did it for the best, plus wasn't it you who want the divorce, I mean you already moved on and is happy."

"And that's when the miscommunication happens. If you would have asked why are my wedding rings in its box, I would have told you. Not because I moved on, yes I'm happy now, but still addicted to you, is that I started to branch out of digital freelancing around five months ago, and I didn't want paint in my rings. I don't know if you have noticed but don't you see paint and coloring pencils and markers around my place?" Perri finally looked around my apartment and saw in a corner that there was paint gallons and plastic wrap for flooring and coloring utensils.

I turned around to take the ground turkey out, when Perri's finger tapped me.



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