CH 34

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I waited in the visitor parking space for ten minutes now waiting for CJ to exit. Yet he never did. So we both are just staring ahead of us and looking out into the city and the lights.

"So when are you getting out?" I asked tiredly,

"Until you tell me the truth." CJ responded too quickly.

"What Johnny said was nothing and I wish you would quit this conversation."

"I will once you tell me what I did in OUR marriage that made you want to cheat."

I didn't say anything, not because I didn't want to, it was because if I said it then he would look at me in disgust.

"I'm not telling you anything and you can either get out of the car, or I can throw you out of my car. Which one?"

"I chose to listen to your answer."

"CJ! Damn it, leave this shit alone!"

"Why are you raising your voice, I'm right here."

"Because you're annoying the hell out of me. You have been since this fucking car accident. Please get out of my car."

"Did you cheat because I was annoying?"


"Wasn't handsome?"


"Was clingy?"


"Then what?!"

"I cheated damn it, because I thought you would! I did it first because at least I didn't want to have all the pain on me if you did. It would be equal. Are you happy now!?"

"Why in the hell would I cheat on you?"

"Because I was never home, always working, and you always had handsome clients. I felt insecure and decided I didn't want to. So I found Johnny and decided to fuck him and date him while married to you. Are you happy now to know about the past?"

I was angry and tired at the same time and yet CJ didn't get out of the car.

"You're pathetic, you know that."


"To cheat on me because you were insecure about our marriage when you could have talked to me about it first instead you decided to take it into your hands first and made all of the decisions."

I kept my head high and didn't dare to look down. I know for damn sure that it was wrong and that I never should have done it, but I did and now its over. Exactly ten months since our divorce not even a year and yet we are still talking about our past lives as if anything else is going to change.

But then I heard a knock on my window and saw that William was beside CJ's door. I unlocked the door and William pulled it open.

"Hey William, how are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?" I heard through his auto reader.

"Fine, if it's not too much of an issue can you take CJ inside, please?"


William opened the door wider and waited for CJ to leave, but to no avail he didn't move an inch. William typed in his phone that read, "CJ? Aren't you coming?"

"No, I think I need to talk to Perri a little more please. Here are my keys so you can go up first."

William stood by the door with the keys in his hands not knowing whether to go or not, but he finally made up his mind and left, closing the door.

"Who's gonna take care of me if I buckle while trying to cook or shower? William? He comes and leave as he pleases."

"If you truly need help buy a Life Alert, and if not call your parents or 911."


"Yes wow, now leave. And CJ?"


"Don't contact me for nothing please. Take my name off of anything that would require a spouse to come to your help. I did, so can you."

CJ started to sniffle and slam my car door harshly and left. I felt as if there were a huge burden that was released from me, and I was happy, and sad at the same time. I called my father, because I honestly didn't know what to do at the moment.

"Hey son I was just about to send you a picture of this new dog I got, he is so cute."

"Dad.....Can I come over please?"

"You can come over anytime you want to. Are you okay? You sound tired."

"I just really miss you."

"Sure the front door will be open, see you bud."

"See ya."

With that I hung up the phone and started my thirty minutes drive to my father's.

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