CH 1

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"Hey plum, could you come help me with something?" I asked, waiting in my little office.

"Yeah, what do you need?" My husband asked while leaning over me.

"Nothing just this." and leaned towards his face to give him a kiss

Me and my husband have been together ever since fifth grade. I know that young really, but this man really wanted me. We met on the after school bus and the first kid the bus driver dropped off was Perri Ore the oh so shiny boy with black hair and green eyes. We were both 10 at that time and everyday after school I would take out my kindle tablet since they were very popular back then and read books. Unlike Perri he would stare at me and try to talk to me, but what this boy did was crazy. He asked his father to check him out of school three hours early and since it was a Friday there was no after school. Perri's dad followed my bus everywhere from the city to the country to the forest where I lived and spotted me get off the bus. The next day he came to my house with jasmine flowers and asked my parents if he could take me out on a date to Chuck E Cheese and then the movie since they were right next to each other. Did I also mention that he had on a little tuxedo just to ask my parents and even at the end said that my parents are invited as well.

Since then its been magically joyful. When we both got to middle school there were some up and down about the situation in our relationship, how I was out and he wasn't. Then I cared too much about school and didn't need distraction in life, and the third time we broke up was because Perri couldn't take how he wasn't getting enough affection from me and decided that he was done, but it didn't last long.

After about six months had passed Perri was crying on my front porch saying how he couldn't go another day without me, yet I was doing perfectly well, but realized that I had as well missed my little plum.

He get his nickname plum from how much he likes to eat plums and my nickname is tart from how sour I get when I get my mind set on something.

Made it to high school and made sure that everyone knew that we were dating. Always took me to class and tried his best to have lunch with me when he could and would drive me home since he got his driver's license before I did.

Luckily after high school we both got accepted to our dream school, which was only an hour away from each other. I went to school to major in arts and design while Perri went to major in business administration where he now owns his own business selling pallet furniture instead of the furniture you all use now. He always was fascinated with wooden pallets and how you could make literally anything with them. Vanity, shoe container, bed frame, and even couches.

I went on to become a freelance artist that would make posters, flyers, and any other kind of designs for people. Perri thought since he made so much money that I didn't need to get a job which I was not okay with since I spent to much of my parent money to go to school just to work at home, but soon I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, which can cause me to not stand for such a long period of time as well as sit. And to have a job there would have been nine hours of standing and maybe thirty minutes of sitting for breaks, yeah that wasn't going to work. But I'm glad everything is working out as planned for our household.

We even got married well eloped due to insignificant funding on our first day of college which was August 7th. We both are twenty four years old as of today with Perri being younger than me by a month since I was born in January and him in February.

So now that you know our love story, here is the part where it begins to become wrong and sad. Where so much dreams and effort in our lives just went down the drain. Maybe it was for the best, I mean was you happy Perri. Were you happy that you found something or someone that could bond with you and understand you? If so, be happy. Let me leave you to your true happiness. Don't leave me here just to wait at every hour and second and year to smell another on you that is not me. So I will ask you this question: Can I leave now?

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