CH 14

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I bought a ticket to South Korea.

I bought a ticket to South Korea.

I bought a ticket to South Korea.

I bought a ticket to South Korea.

Fuck I just bought a ticket to South Korea.

I was on the way to the airport.

Oh My Gosh....


Ever since I woke up from that nightmare I haven't been the same. My therapist said it seems that I have developed depression, and that it's not uncommon for divorcees. I was walking today, since it was nice and made my way to Chae-Won house. It was a long walk, but I kind of needed it. Once on her front porch she opened the door with a smile and started hitting me.

"You are supposed to ignore me for two or three days then come to me crazy boy!"

"Sorry auntie, I just missed you." I laughed with her. I asked her for a glass of water to take the new medicine, and told her about what happened last night and this morning for my appointment. I was glad I had auntie, because throughout it all she didn't feel pity, nor sympathy. She was just there to listen.

It was about to be lunch time, but auntie had an dentist appointment, so I left and when I walked out the door I saw someone who wasn't supposed to be here. So I ducked into my auntie's car and asked her to drive me home if she could.

Why in the hell was my dad here.

Can I Leave Now?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt