CH 8

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Three days passed by since that night I deleted everything from his phone. I knew he could have still had Johnny's number somewhere else, so that's why I really didn't care, but I guess to Perri this is an improvement.

We've ate each meal together since them, and watching Shades of Blue. Perri would look at me how he used to look at me when we both were in high school, and I really don't know if just with looks should I forgive him, and forget.

I was in the living room when the basement door opened and my mom came down running. Mom?

"Sweetheart, when did you get back into town?!"

"Uh yesterday."

"Well why didn't you call us, and why are you in the basement watching tv?" My dad asked

"I had came back later than I thought so I decided to sleep down here so I didn't wake up Perri since my flight came in around four in the morning. But I'm glad to see you both." I hugged them both at the same time and looked up to see Perri smiling softly towards me with his arm crossed.

"Come on sweetheart. This basement smells funny and I want to catch up on everything. How was Canada?"

As I was about to answer I looked to Perri who looked to be having a silent conversation with my father.

"Per are you coming too?"

"Yeah tart I'm coming."

We finally get to the top of the stairs and head into the kitchen. Luckily it still looks the same. Then my mom took out some water and started to pour some into a cup for all four of us.

My parents have both been at the house for half of the day, at some point I thought that they were probably going to stay, until my dad said that they had to leave.

He went and put my mom's coat on her and then his own, and as they were leaving the house, they said to meet them at the park tomorrow evening since they really missed me, and that they would bring food. Perri and I both agreed to this argument and closed the door. At first I thought Perri was going to lead me back to the basement until he took me to my once old room and in there was the made bed and clean floor. The closet door was opened and there was all my clothes that I had packed the previous days ago. I turned around to look at Perri, but then was grabbed by the face gently, and he had kissed me on the lips.

"We're making progress, so please don't make me put you back down there again." He leaves, but then I hear a lock on the doorknob and when I tried to gently turn it it didn't budge, I guess this is an improvement. I can at least see the sun.

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on my pajamas and left to my bed. I sat down but I didn't go to sleep yet. All I could do was think of what could have happened to lead to this, but my thoughts get cut short when I see headlights in the driveway.

I get out of my bed and walk to my window and see that it's not a car I recognize and then I hear the master bedroom door slam. I stay by the window, and see that it's Johnny's car.

Perri came outside and started to yell at him while Johnny tried to caress Perri. At one point I felt sorry for Johnny, because of the way Perri was talking to him, but before Johnny got ready to leave he looked up and was about to scream to me, but Perri slapped Johnny so hard he hit his car, and that made me gasp and step away from the window. I went to the bathroom and locked the door and decided to stay in the bathtub for the entire night.

What they hell has happened to you Perri Ore.

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