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Chapter 6: A peaceful breakup ①

After securing the contract last time, Yan Yu finally welcomed some more leisurely days that were so hard to come by.

Recently, Yan Yu had realised that Chen Yifei would never stay in his office unnecessarily, not even to watch the news online. Yan Yu had no idea where he went, but whenever he needed him for anything, Chen Yifei would appear very quickly, without fail.

Yan Yu had no right to meddle in Chen Yifei’s private matters, but he could not help but worry about his matters, recently.

One day, Yan Yu had nothing much on his plate and decided to go to the office and take a stroll around the sales department by himself. As he passed by the office pantry, Yan Yu unintentionally overheard the casual chats of two female employees and surprisingly heard the words “Assistant Chen”.

Yan Yu could not help himself and paused. He pretended to observe the working environment in the office, taking sips from his already emptied coffee mug, and silently listened in on their conversation.

One of the female employees said, “I wonder if Assistant Chen is married…”

The other replied, “Probably not, I don’t see him wearing a ring.”

“Assistant Chen has been so busy running here and there with the boss, maybe he just didn’t wear it?”

“True.” The female employee sighed, “Assistant Chen really is exceptional. He is so serious with his work, too. I heard he has been making rounds across all the departments to understand how each department operates. It seems like he will be coming again tomorrow. Where can you even find such a serious assistant nowadays?”

Yan Yu finally understood. Chen Yifei had been going around the different departments to learn on-site recently. No wonder he had not been around in his office. Perhaps, he took it to heart since he was reprimanded last time?

When Yan Yu returned to his office, he realised Chen Yifei was already back and typing something on his keyboard. Yan Yu could not help but knock on his door, “Chen Yifei.”

Chen Yifei looked up, “What’s wrong?”

“I heard that you have been making rounds across the departments?”

Chen Yifei did not seem surprised about Yan Yu knowing about it, “Yeah, there’re a lot of things I can’t learn if I don’t go there and see it for myself.”

Yan Yu pursed his lips, surprisingly feeling a pang in his heart to see him exert so much effort going around like this, “Make sure you take a break every once in a while. I feel exhausted just by looking at you.”

Chen Yifei nodded, “Yeah.”

Hearing Chen Yifei’s plain response, Yan Yu sighed and continued, “There’s a dinner party tonight to socialise and network with people in the industry. Remember to wear a red tie.”


Chen Yifei was focused and concentrating on the data on his computer screen, organising the data seriously while Yan Yu furrowed his brows. Yan Yu walked towards his desk, slamming his hand on the desk, and said sharply, “Rest.”

Chen Yifei looked up, stunned, “I am not tired.”

“I am telling you now, I was only judging the matter as it stood last time. I have no doubts about your capability at all. There’s no need for you to work yourself this hard.”

Catching Yan Yu’s slightly nervous tone in his voice, Chen Yifei could not help but laugh lightly, “You’re overthinking it. I, genuinely, didn’t think that it was that tiring.”

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