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Chapter 1: What goes around comes around ①

One fine day, during his elementary school days, Yan Yu was subjected to disciplinary action due to a fighting incident. His parents had already given up their hopes for him. During their meeting with the teacher, his parents could only shake their heads, sigh, and left without saying anything.

While serving his punishment of standing outside his homeroom teacher’s office for an hour, Yan Yu wondered, why does school result determine everything? Isn’t he pretty amazing for bashing up a grade 6 top scholar by himself?

Yan Yu was your typical problem student. He had always been the last in class in terms of results since kindergarten, receiving disciplinary action was like nothing to him. His parents were not expecting much for his future. They did not even dare to hope for him to get a small, stable office job as they had. They merely hoped that Yan Yu would, at the least, stay out of jail in the future.

After the punishment, his homeroom teacher forced him into a chair, even though he was too stubborn to show his exhaustion after standing still for one hour. The teacher sighed, “Have you reflected upon your actions?”

Little Yan Yu bit his lips and remained silent.

His homeroom teacher warned earnestly, “Don’t make the same mistake next time. Look at your face, when was it ever not injured?”

The homeroom teacher, unlike all his other subject teachers, was the only one he liked. She was the only one who would not penalise him solely because of his results.

Every time Yan Yu was reprimanded, his teachers would, without fail, compare him to their class president to provoke him. President Chen Yifei was the model student in terms of both results and behaviour. On top of that, he was extremely good-looking and there was no one that disliked him.

The spirit of a child was fragile, and so the word “president” became Yan Yu’s never-ending nightmare.

The homeroom teacher patted Yan Yu’s head, gently smiled, and encouraged him, “Don’t be dejected. Once you grow up and finally enter society, you will see that the courage you now possess is required to make it to the top. Those obedient model students will be the ones working for you.”

Yan Yu’s eyes shone, those words stuck in his mind. That was the first time he had heard that results do not necessarily equate to success.

When he returned to the classroom, Chen Yifei was sitting in his own seat, doing his homework. At such a young age, Chen Yifei already possessed the calmness an adult would have. Given his maturity, Chen Yifei looked very incompatible with his noisy surroundings. Yan Yu walked over overbearingly, looking as if he wanted to beat up the president.

Yan Yu stood in front of Chen Yifei’s seat and aggressively stated, “Chen Yifei! Just because you have good results, doesn’t mean that you’ll definitely be successful in the future! I’ll make you work under me in the future!! Just you wait!!”

Chen Yifei only looked at him coldly and didn’t even bother replying.

Reminiscing, Yan Yu stopped spinning in the leather office chair he was sitting on, tossing the folder in his hands onto the big marble meeting table. Putting on a serious expression, Yan Yu adjusted his expensive tie, positioned the nameplate with “Chairman of the Board” written on it properly on the table, and stared at the man in front of him, who currently had a very complicated expression on his face.

The folder had “Chen Yifei” written on the cover. As the Chairman of a big company, Yan Yu’s memories as a frivolous, young teen came rushing back to him the second he saw Chen Yifei…

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