"IZUKU RUN NOW!!" Kirishima ordered. His voice distorted into the deep and soul-shaking echo as Izuku then ran out of the temple.

As Izuku ran past the temple that he could tell was Bakugou's due to the large sun symbol on the top of it, he came into a forested area. Though his hesitation to run into the wooded area soon left him as he heard the two roars that came from Bakugou and Kirishima.

After a few minutes of running, Izuku stumbled across a strangely familiar cave of sorts. The cave was covered by a small waterfall, the water beautifully crystal clear. Though Izuku decided to take appreciation for the beauty later as he then jumped into the water and swam underneath the waterfall and into the cave.

Though as he remerged and crawled into the cave, the Omega was taken by surprise to see that a few dusty rugs and pelts decorated the cave. Jewels hanging from the sides while a few oil lamps were surrounded by a slew of notebooks, a few open and incredibly dusty.

Izuku slowly crawled closer to the notebooks and lamps, the male then trying for a minute or two to light the lamps, thankful when he was finally able to bring some light into the cave as he then grabbed one of the notebooks and dusted it off, only for his eyes to widen at the sight of the cover.

"The Journal of The Gods. Creator Izuku Bakugou-Kirishima. Deku"

"I-I made this? Maybe it'll help me figure out what the totem is." Izuku muttered to himself as he began to read through the journal, thankful that most of the entrees were in a language he could understand.

Though after what seemed like an eternity of reading book after book, Izuku had relieved many different moments from his past life throughout the process, soon realized his habit of forgetting things was something he has had since his first life. His mates had given him the idea to start his journals to help him remember.

Though once the Omega then came to the last one.

He realized there was only one entrée.

"I am starting this notebook not to record memories of me and my friends, but because I never want to forget this time! And I cannot wait to show it to them and my husband's when they arrive, though today I plan to tell Shoto when we go out on our walk with Tenya, I want his and Kyouka's help to surprise Kacchan and Ei-Chan with the news. I know they'll be excited to be fathers-." After reading that last sentence. Izuku dropped the book as the candles blew out.

Though with Kirishima and Bakugou, the two were still fighting against Shigaraki. The two tried their hardest to buy Izuku as much time as possible to find the totem before it was too late, or before Shigaraki could find him wherever he was hiding.

Both Gods were bloody and slowly losing their composure, though having to remind themselves of what had happened the last time they lost their composure when fighting Shigaraki. Willing themselves to not make the same mistake.

The two were fearful that if they truly lost their composure, they would not only destroy the Earth but Mount Tentai as well. Where they both would be to blame for the final demise of their husband.

"You two have lost your bite! You've changed in these past 400 years! Are you that worried over a mortal!?! How pathetic!!" Shigaraki taunted cruelly. As both of the Gods continue to grow rageful.

They both knew that Shigaraki wanted them to destroy the Earth and Mount Tentai. Seeing as he could not do it himself. He needed them to do it for him.

So that they would not only give him the broken world he so desired to rule over but also destroy themselves and the other gods in the process. Leaving no one to fight against him.

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