Chapter XIII

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"Ah there you four are, did you happen to find anything in the library?" Shoto questioned as he turned to the four Alpha's.

"No, unfortunately not, I don't suppose any of you have an ideas, do you?" Iida questioned, while the other four merely shook their heads.

"You said that Creati and All Might could help us, right? Why don't we go to them?" Kirishima asked while Izuku looked to Todoroki for an explanation.

"Who's All Might?" Izuku asked while everyone in the room excluding Denki and Shinsou turned to him with wide eyes.

"Wait you don't know All Might?! He use to be the strongest God! That is until Endeavor became the strongest, then it went to Katsuki and Eijirou" Sero explained while Shoto laughed quietly at the memory of his father's realization of no longer being the strongest God.

"Did he disappear from all history? Because Izuku knows practically everything about the Gods and Goddesses, even the ones who aren't all that popular" Shinsou stated while Shoto then turned to the purple haired Alpha.

"Somewhat, All Might was incredibly strong, generous, brave, and very well known for some time. Though when he retired no one truly knew where he went for a while, until Izuku ended up finding him and convincing him to move his temple back to where it once was. Though he retired a very, very long time ago, so it makes sense that he isn't mentioned all that much if at all in history." Shoto explained while the other three nodded.

"Well, if we want our answers we better get going, Creati's temple is a while away, not to mention if we want to see All Might it could take us a couple of days to get there." Bakugou stated as he nodded his head to the two other Alphan Gods and began to walk towards the three, while Shoto merely glared at him coldly.

"I just got Izuku back, you're out of your damn mind if you think I'm allowing you to take him Bakugou." Shoto stated coldly as he glared at Bakugou, while simultaneously grabbing Izuku and hugging the male close to him.

"Icy hot. Give me my mate now." Bakugou ordered, while Shoto merely stood and continued to glare at the Alpha.

"No. From what you all have told me, Izuku is most likely not all that trusting of either of you, and I have only been made aware that he is alive for perhaps 5 hours. He will not be leaving." Shoto demanded, while Bakugou merely growled to the Omegan Goddess.

"And who the fuck do you think you are to be ordering me around?!" Bakugou shouted, though Shoto left completely unfazed by the blondes aggressiveness.

"I believe I am the co-ruler of this temple, the one you sought out for help. So, I suggest you show respect to the host." Shoto sassed, while Denki quite literally had to cover his mouth and nose to stop himself from laughing, although Shinsou didn't hesitate to laugh at the blondes reaction to Shoto's declaration.

"Alright now, calm down. Shoto, is right though, you Izuku should stay, all of you should. You've all been travelling for a while and your all tired. Everyone can just relax and pick out the room they want to stay in, and we can settle all of this is time. We need a plan first more so than anything." Sero stated as he pushed himself in between Bakugou and Shoto.

"Kat, they're right, we're all tired, lets just relax, eat something and go to sleep. We need to figure out a plan too. We can't just keep winging things." Kirishima stepped in as he placed a hand on Bakugou's shoulder.

"Fine. Whatever, Eijirou and I already know where we'll sleep." Bakugou stated while Sero nodded.

"Shinsou, Kaminari, if you like I can show you both where you can sleep, and where the kitchen is." Iida offered while Denki and Shinsou nodded as Iida then lead the two away from the other five.

"Izuku, we'll show you where you used to always sleep whenever we would come here to visit." Kirishima stated as he quickly hosted Izuku up as the two Gods then lead, Izuku to the rooms. Both wanting to distance themselves from their friends, and hopefully get some time with Izuku, Shoto's words ringing clear in their heads.

"Hey Sho, what you said about Izuku trusting Eijirou and Katsuki. Do you really think that's how it is?" Sero questioned as he watched the two go around the corner with Izuku.

"In a form yes. Izuku is hesitate around them, he uses their surnames, and he hides behind either, Shinsou, Denki, or me when the two came around. I wouldn't call it fear, but there is a clear sense of distrust and resentment from Izuku when it comes to those two." Shoto explained as he sat himself back down into the makeshift nest, he, Denki, and Izuku had made.

"Well, I hope that it doesn't stay like that. Those two can't handle losing him again in anyway. I can see it in their eyes, their breaking at the idea that they won't get Izuku back, and there is something else going on too." Sero stated as he slowly lowered himself next to his husband, waiting if there was any sign that Shoto didn't want Sero near him.

"What else is happening Hanta? And what do you mean their breaking?" Shoto questioned as he looked to his husband for an explanation.

"Shigaraki, there's a chance he's back as well. Since Izuku didn't truly die, there is a chance that he didn't either, and there could potentially be a war if he is back. But their breaking, not because of Shigaraki, but because they don't know how to truly get Izuku back. For the first time in over 400 years, they don't have a plan of what to do. And its breaking them" Sero stated while Shoto nodded sadly.

"But that's not all that is wrong with Izuku is it Sho? You're never that protective, not unless something is wrong, and I know that you trust those two to never harm Izuku in anyway. So, what's happening?" Sero asked while Shoto sighed quietly to himself.

"It's Izuku's memories, he didn't say anything earlier about them but, I could tell by his eyes, by his expression. He's losing his memories faster. Not just of his past lives, but of this one. Denki and Shinsou were telling stories of Izuku back from his childhood and early adolescent years from this life time. But it was clear Izuku didn't remember any of them." Shoto stated while the Alpha's eyes widened at the statement.

"What do you think that means Shoto?"

"From what I have read about reincarnation, and those who get stuck in a cycle of it, they only have so long to be in that reincarnation cycle. In some cases, people can get out of the cycle by finding what they were looking for in a past life. But if they are cursed with it, they only get so long to find what they need before they die in their last life. And I'm scared to say that Shigaraki knew that he couldn't kill Izuku fully, so he cursed him with the reincarnation." Shoto explained, though Sero could only stare at his mate.

"I-. S-Sho, you don't truly think that do you? And if that is the case, what on Earth would Izuku be searching for?! He's had to live so many life times in the 400 years! Would he not have found it by now?!?" Sero shouted, his fear for his friend's well-being spiking.

"I'm not sure what he could be looking for, or why he has not found it yet but, I think this could be Izuku's last life. This could be Eijirou's and Katsuki's final chance to get him back"

And just as Shoto muttered his final statement a dark and overpowering aura soon filled the room.

"Oh, how right you are Goddess~"

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